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All PvE servers full, and the game hasent even hard launched.


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Yah, so... Seriously?


Bioware has been introducing artificial population caps on each server as an attempt to steer people towards the new servers that they keep opening up. About once a day, they also increase the population caps on the existing servers to some extent.


All things considered, Bioware doesn't want EVERYONE to pile into a few specific servers. Even when there were lighter server loads earlier today, we already have some extremely over crowded servers. That's what Bioware is trying to avoid with all of their server load manipulations.

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Normally I would expect this, given that it's a choice between queues and merging servers later once the leveling population balances out. HOWEVER, they are using a zone instance model whereby you have a maximum number of people in a zone's instance before another one is created. This allows for the implementation of additional servers that can be either moved or redeployed elsewhere as needed at a later date. In other words, yea, there's no excuse - but it isn't like we're going to go anywhere ;)


They will probably put up a bunch of new servers tonight or tomorrow and that will help as impatient people like me decide to start over where there isn't a queue.

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Yes there are PLENTY of very quality F2P MMO's out there.


Lineage II goes F2P for Europe tomorrow, and thats just the latest in a LONG line.


When I saw the screen in my first post I was shocked at how little EA wanted my money.


Better get your butts in gear people, lest my pre-order get cancelled.


Sloppy, really damn sloppy.

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Yah, so... Seriously?


Queues are getting old. It is understandable for stress test events during beta, but five days before the REAL launch? Launch day is going to be HORRIBLE.

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It's only bad because it's when everyone gets home from work/school, so the servers get really piled up.


This is true, but you've got to keep in mind that the servers need to be up to capacity for high traffic hours. We shouldnt have to sit in a queue. I'm hoping its something that gets resolved quickly.

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It's only bad because it's when everyone gets home from work/school, so the servers get really piled up.


This is a pathetic excuse. Do not fall for this Verictaxion.


They haven't even invited everyone who pre-ordered to start playing.


I can't see how they are going to keep up.



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So what your saying is we should have a million of sever so today they are all hopeful at medium load. Then if people do drop out either by not carrying on with there pre-order or after playing there first month we end up with most severs empty and people complaining that they cant do anything.


I'm guessing here but its an educated guess that BW severs are anywhere near cap. I'd say a week after 20/12 they will up the cap to max and there will be 0 queue. This is just a way to get people to spread out over many severs.

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So what your saying is we should have a million of sever so today they are all hopeful at medium load. Then if people do drop out either by not carrying on with there pre-order or after playing there first month we end up with most severs empty and people complaining that they cant do anything.


I'm guessing here but its an educated guess that BW severs are anywhere near cap. I'd say a week after 20/12 they will up the cap to max and there will be 0 queue. This is just a way to get people to spread out over many severs.


If this was true, then please tell me which server they want me to join.


Oh, they are ALL full. Nope, just sloppy.

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If this was true, then please tell me which server they want me to join.


Oh, they are ALL full. Nope, just sloppy.


Right now?


Go on the new eu sever that started. Or if you are from US try a Heavy sever there are a few on the sever status page.

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I do see some heavy PvP servers, but all the PvE servers are full.


Its just sad. I expected better. Not even a "recommended" server alert.


Anyway I picked a server and waited through a queue.


Still feels sloppy.


Opps sorry didn't see that you wanted a pve sever. Personal I don't see the point in em. Pve seems better on a pvp sever anyway. Guess the only choice then would be an rp-pve sever. You don't need to like rp to be on them severs just need to respect the others that do.


Edit: And BW just open 2 new pve sever one east the other west.

Edited by vobra
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A 40 min wait? I mean come on this is a joke right? This is only day 3 of eirly access what will it be like when the game goes live. are we looking at 1-3 hour wait time? if so i should join que each morning before work just so i can play before i go to bed. This needs to be fixed
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Months from now I will be reading an article titled: SWTOR What went wrong and why.


At the top of the top 10 things that killed it will be: Cronic excessive wait queues.


They do realize they only get one shot at this right...


Release day/early access is D day for MMO's. You blow it and that is all they will remember.:(

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Months from now I will be reading an article titled: SWTOR What went wrong and why.


At the top of the top 10 things that killed it will be: Cronic excessive wait queues.


They do realize they only get one shot at this right...


Release day/early access is D day for MMO's. You blow it and that is all they will remember.:(


Another month from now everyone will have forgotten this stuff and written it off as children with 0 patience. They released a new server not long after this thread started. Just nobody has any damn patience around here.

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Here's the problem. Why should I be forced to switch servers, when I already have an almost level 20 on my original server? I spent 15 minutes this morning scrolling up and down looking for the least populated servers, ended up on Shadow Hand. Six minutes ago, the game crashed and froze my Comp so that I had to hard start it. Now I am 583 in queue with a 45 minute wait time because of THEIR issues and some of you say quit QQ and go to a different server? Yes. Okay. I will just dump my toon that I planned on being my main toon and just go fart around on another server. Whatever. This is bullcrap.
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