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How should I sell gathered materiels?


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I am an MMO veteran who is trying to figure out how the market works in SWTOR - I'd greatly appreciate any advice.


  1. Is it better to sell the raw mats or the crafted gear in the auction house?
  2. Is it better to sell huge batches of items (e.g. 50 rubat cyrstals) or do people want smaller batches of 10 or so?
  3. Is it better to just vendor low level crafting materials or is their a player market for everything?


Thanks! I have taken Archeology, Synthweaving, and Underworld Trading. Seems like I should be able to sell all these blue items I keep getting with Underworld Trading, but I have no idea how this economy works.


Thanks again :)

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1) For a lot of tradeskills, raw mats. Though if you know the right recipes and there isn't a lot of competition, you can make money selling finished products. Basically, look at the market first, see if there is an area you can make your own. If not, sell mats unless people are overcharging.


2) Small stacks, ideally, the size used most commonly in an item. A person wanting lots will probably buy small stacks. A person wanting just enough for one item probably won't buy a large stack. That said, a mix of the two is ideal. No point putting up 20 stacks of 4, really. In that case, might as well do 5 stacks of 4 and one stack of 60. Saves people like me a few mouse clicks and you as well. Oh, and when splitting, use shift + Right mouse button, rather than the left mouse button, that way, you don't try to link the item. Except on usable items, where using the R-button will use an item until the next patch.


3) Lower level ones go good to people leveling up their skill or a crafter wanting to make just a few level things for a twink or something. High level ones go great to crafters either making items to sell or trying to learn recipes. So, all ranges.

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