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Guild Staships?


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Hey Bioware, I had a question. Will guild starships be implemented in-game eventually, or are you guys working on something else?


It has been said for awhile that Guild Capital ships will be implemented.. Beyond that, any more details is either scarce or simply nonexistent..


The biggest issues in the beta when they were discussed is what they would do and what purpose they would serve??


What amenities would they have?? Vendors?? Mailbox?? GTN kiosk?? That sort of thing..


Possible play or purpose for PVP and rival guilds??


Any use in guild only space missions??


The list truly goes on..


It is safe to say that Bioware isn't going to want our Capital ships to replace the fleet stations.. So we may be very limited on vendors, or simply have vendors that sell guild related stuff only.. We might have a quest giver or two, again guild related stuff only.. Could also be legacy related I suppose..


The ideas are endless..


So they are comming.. As soon as someone to figure out what they are supposed to do other than just look pretty and sit in space..


Are they pilotable?? If so who?? Guildleader only?


Is their location secret to all but members of the guild?? Meaning they only show up on the the galaxy map of guild members and nobody else..


You get the idea.. Lots of questions here..

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The biggest issues in the beta when they were discussed is what they would do and what purpose they would serve??


Back in LOTRO we had guildhouses, great fun. We could stuff em with throphy's of bosses we killed, hang out in, have guild meetings, ect.


What amenities would they have?? Vendors?? Mailbox?? GTN kiosk?? That sort of thing..


And back in GW, all guilds could have a guild hall. All basic vendors could be purchased as an add-on Would be nice to have.



Possible play or purpose for PVP and rival guilds??


Also, as in GW, you could do GvG battles, whole tournaments (even world cups) were held. A same feature, capture the opposing guild ship, would do great.


Any use in guild only space missions??


If they plan on making multi-player space battle then, pretty please.


It is safe to say that Bioware isn't going to want our Capital ships to replace the fleet stations.. So we may be very limited on vendors, or simply have vendors that sell guild related stuff only.. We might have a quest giver or two, again guild related stuff only.. Could also be legacy related I suppose..


Basic vendors only would do for me. Access to the guild bank, stuff like that


The ideas are endless..


The more the better :)


Are they pilotable?? If so who?? Guildleader only?


No need, IMO. Just have an icon on the space map showing where your guild fleet is at. Maybe have some ships to choose from. It's location on the map depends on the ship chosen. Worked for LOTRO, where you had to choose eighter a Hobbit-hole, Dwarven Dwelling, Human or Elven house. All 4 placed somewhere else on the world map


Is their location secret to all but members of the guild?? Meaning they only show up on the the galaxy map of guild members and nobody else..


You can visit other ships when the leader or an officer has given you the rights to visit it.

Rights to visit lost after a day, or a week or so. Same ship (and thus location)? get a dropdown menu that let you pick what ship you want to visit. This way friendly guilds could help filling that last spot in the GvG battle you had planned. (most of the team must be guildies, of course)


My answer to the questions. Now, let's start saving to cover the costs of these ships :p

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ANYTHING that replaces fleet is a good thing.


Our fleets should not have been mirrors. They should have been wholly unique tot heir faction as neither side builds things the same way (ditto on the mini areas over every planet without a proper dock).

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The biggest issues in the beta when they were discussed is what they would do and what purpose they would serve??


This pretty much sums it up imho since the game is still extremely fresh. If developers were to implement guild starships/captial warships it really wouldn't serve a purpose imho. They would need to implement a ton of features to make it worthwhile for guilds to go out of their way to get them.


Would say that with SWG gone they need to implement a free form space combat system. By putting this in the next step would be PvP space combat between guilds and their capital warships. Can just imagine a sort of defend the objective where guilds put their ships on the line. This allows them to purchase better equipment as well as gaining prestige on their home worlds. Might be wise to also include a guild emblem creator so that a flag can be flown on the capital world.


It would also be nice to see a PvE scenario where you can bring the capital warship in and use it in operation combat. Guild leaders or a designated person would have a 1 time weekly charge of an orbital strike canon. This would do significant damage to the boss, but requires TONS of resources to use. For Normal mode it would do 5% health damage to the boss, 4% in hardmode and 2% in Nightmare mode. It wouldn't be useable on end boss creatures since they would be too powerful/able to avoid it.

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I think Bioware was afraid that people would start "hanging out" on the guild ships and then the "fleet" would be empty, and they didnt want that.


SImple fix is to have the Guild ship apart of the fleet and be able to see Fleet chat. Have a new Flight Point go to the "Guild Ship" just as there are FLight points to the other 2 ships in the Fleet.

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