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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pre 50 Vanguard pvp specs?


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At level 20 none of the trees will give you much of a noticable boost in damage during PvP, once you get to 30ish it will be worthwhile you trying out the Assault tree to see if that's more your cuppa tea though as by that point you'll be able to pick up a fair few useful talents.


The shield tree only gives marginally higher survivability in PvP and it's more about Utility than anything else, personally i went up shield to Storm then started into the Assault tree at that point. Assault was fine on it's own about level 30 when i tried that spec but i missed things like the root on harpoon and storm.

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I started out as shield which was ok damage was steady pressure and storm is nice when you have it but can also end up killing you if your careless.

I switched to assault at 30 which has given me some great damage running plasma cell at 39 I do very well and sometimes I make 40+ kills.


I don't do much that didn't do when I was shield except for guard which I find has killed me more times than its worth as I constantly pug so heals are rare and inconsistent. I am constantly taunting or using my harpoon to pull the ball carrier or or separate a sheep from the herd so my team can get a easy kill.

I intend to finish as a assault tactics hybrid which will have a good balance between utility and damage.

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I started out as Shield too. I seem to be the only person paying attention to gear @20's so I switched to Assault, about as effective, about the same. Same # of medals, just finished a game 240k dmg 44 kills. Doesn't always go that way though :)
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