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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commando or Vanguard?


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Hi there,

I want to roll another alt, and im wondering what to choose.


So commando or vanguard? I know that vanguard can be dps/tank and commando can be dps/healer.


Which is more fun to play? Are vanguards good tanks? If i choose to be dps which has better dps? :)


My main is a healer, so choice is either dps commando or dps/tank vanguard.


Any input is appreciated.

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If your avatar is any indication of which class your healer is(Sage), I'd say going Vanguard will give you a bigger change in gameplay.

Depends on how much you like ranged DPSing, though. If you REALLY like ranged DPS, commando will be superior to your Sage in both single target and AoE.

Edited by Faolon
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I play vangurad tank spec and i am loving it, vanguard is a great tank from my experiances, its very good in pve and in pvp at least for me i had shadow dps before and i like vangurad more way more, not that shadow was bad but vangurad is just so awsome....my opinion :)
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It depends on if you are PVP, PVE, or a good combination of the two.


Commando - medic = hybrid healer that is good in PVP and PVE


Commando - Gunnery = Great DPS PVE, limited success PVP, and not great PVP/PVE combo.


Commando - Assault = I have not played, but have been told fair DPS in PVE and PVP, but not spectacular.


Vanguard = Good tank PVE, Good DPS/survivability PVP.



Do you want to heal?


Do you want to melt faces?


Do you want to lead a team and protect them?

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Commando - Gunnery = Great DPS PVE, limited success PVP, and not great PVP/PVE combo.



I HIGHLY disagree with that.

Apart from the OP sages and inquisitors, Commandos deal some of the best DPS, or you just havent played with good commandos. PVP/PVE combo thats why you have 2 diff item sets no?

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Commando - Gunnery = Great DPS PVE, limited success PVP, and not great PVP/PVE combo.



I HIGHLY disagree with that.

Apart from the OP sages and inquisitors, Commandos deal some of the best DPS, or you just havent played with good commandos. PVP/PVE combo thats why you have 2 diff item sets no?

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I love my vanguard.


currently tank specced, and am getting prepped to MT the HM ops.


We have the best aoe threat of all the tanks, and more options for dealing with agro from further away. (our base attack is ranged and has a good chance to provide a slowing proc)


I have been playing fairly regularly since late december, and I do not have an alt above level 12.


In terms of DPS it's difficult to say as the only numbers we have to work with is Warzone damage totals which too many factors can adjust. I think it's safe to say that both are viable DPS choices, and personal preference should weigh more highly than numbers.


I recommend goin vanguard simply because it will be a completley different playstyle than a sage, while a commando will be standing still and nuking bad dudes or healing good dudes, just with a cannon instead of with magic.

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Loving vanguard. Good learning curve for me on my first mmo tank.


Level 24 I got my Harpoon which is a fantastic move imo. There is also a couple of combos that I like using as my standard attack.


I'm still learning though about group tactics and being a tank but its been enjoyable so far.

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Commando dps spams grav round 3 times and then one more ability.


So if your keyboard is not a new gaming keyboard, your keys will probably wear out VERY quickly.


Vanguards get moar utility and are bettar in almost every possible way shape or form. They also require less attention, as tanking medals are easy to rack up - even if you're not spec'd to tank. This means that you get medals from two roles, making leveling VERY fast.

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I went Vanguard for two pretty superficial reasons:


- Taugrim's PvP videos

- I hated the way the Commando's assault cannon looked.


I also wanted to try another tanking class after finding the Guardian clunky as hell.


So far, it's been a lot of fun. I love the toon and hitting mobs in the face with the butt of your rifle never gets old.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


I went Vanguard, curently lvl 25 :)


One thing i dont understand tho is that im almost sure i have seen vanguards using harpoon on some mob and it didnt cause other mobs from pack to aggro (just pulled one). It seems like when i use it, it aggro whole pack. Am i doing something wrong? :)



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If you pull one from a pack it will aggro the others regardless, perhaps you've seen others pull a mob that's not part of that pack but rather a wandering silver for example. In that case you have to make sure the pack doesnt have line of sight to the one you're pulling, otherwise they'll aggro.
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If you pull one from a pack it will aggro the others regardless, perhaps you've seen others pull a mob that's not part of that pack but rather a wandering silver for example. In that case you have to make sure the pack doesnt have line of sight to the one you're pulling, otherwise they'll aggro.


Roger. Thanks :)

Edited by Zorpen
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