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Questions about PvE -vs- PvP gear and patch 1.2


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TL;DR below.


So after doing a little research it seems that, as the game stands now, in order to be more effective in PvP I will need a mix of PvE and PvP gear to get the stats I need to be competitive. I’ve spent the last 5 or so days doing my PvP dailies and Ilum camping to get centurion gear with a few pieces of champion gear mixed in, but feel I am not as effective as others of my class who have a mix of PvE and PvP gear.


I am an Anni Marauder, and this is not a case of L2P or not understanding my class. I am by no means an expert at my class, but I understand how it works and what roles I play in PvP. I do not expect to “faceroll” every class, nor do I expect to win every fight. But for a full set of PvP gear to actually make me less effective then I was in full PvE leveling gear?


I do realize the centurion set is the entry level Tier 1 PvP set, so I was not expecting miracles. However, before I completed the centurion set I was at 98% accuracy, 28% crit, 68% surge, but 0 Expertise. Upon completing the centurion set (and a respec) I am now at 100% accuracy, 21% crit and 61% surge. So even though I am at 499 Expertise, it does not make up what I lost in crit and surge on old gear. Basically my damage has gone down, and my survivability has only slightly increased (mostly due to improved endurance, not expertise).


So, in order for me to bolster up my stats, I am under the impression that I need to run PvE dailies to get some Columi/Rakata gear to fix my now skewed stats. Meaning that I need to invest hours of time in a part of the game I find completely uninteresting; PvE. I need to start raiding PvE instances and running the same dailies over and over to collect the Daily Comms. I am not sure how this makes sense; PvE to be more effective at PvP?


Now, I have read/heard that they are making it so you can completely re-mod your gear in 1.2. Does that mean that I can buy PvP pieces that have mods I prefer with my WZ/Merc Comms so that I can tweak my stats? Or will this need to grind PvE gear so that I can balance out my stats still be necessary by getting the mods that the dailies give?


TL;DR: Will 1.2 allow us to pilfer mods from PvP gear to customize our stats, or will PvE dailies/Daily Comms still be only way to customize stats?

Edited by Lividcalm
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PvP gear scales. If you have crap mods and stats the percentage bonus to damage isn't as great as flat stats. When you get decent gear/mods the percentage boost becomes more valuable than the flat stats. Let me give you an example



1500 STR +50 = 1550


1500 STR +5% = 1575


1000 STR +50 = 1050


1000 STR +5% = 1050


500 STR +50 = 550


500 STR +5% = 525



I know I'm not taking into account other stats but the same principle applies. The more stat value you already have the more valuable percentage boosts like expertise become in comparison to just more flat stats.



Crappy PvP Gear < Crappy PvE Gear


Good PvP Gear > Good PvE Gear


Great PvP Gear w/PvE Pieces to avoid DR >>>>> Great PvP Gear >> Great PvE Gear

Edited by Tumri
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