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Diminshing Returns


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I have tried to search out a thread on this topic, and I do recall reading something of it at some point, but have been unable to locate anything. So, if someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.





I have seen many people mention 'DR' as though the exact stat numbers are common knowledge. I was just thinking last night, however, that I really have no idea at what point stacking more crit/surge/power/et al becomes pointless, or why this is so.


If some kind, knowledgeable MMO mathematician might take pity on me and explain this, I would be very grateful. Also, if it weren't clear, a good 'rule of thumb' on what numbers to shoot for on the Big 4 (Power, Crit, Surge, Accuracy) would be great. Thank you for your time.

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Sith - Warrior - Carnage / Jedi Knight - Sentinel - Combat Spreadsheet.


I Use It With This Build.


This probably doesn't apply to you, or most sentinels. I have a screenshot of me pulling in 308k damage at level 40 in Huttball with this spec. Anyhow; I digress. If you're spec'd with Steadfast and with Insight this will still give you an idea of your falloffs.


With a little time you can figure out the formulas involved and plug your stuff in properly.


Note: I am not the author, the author originally posted it in This Thread Right Here.


And Because Everyone Loves Graphs That Answers Their Question.

Edited by Shritish
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