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Item drops


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So far my group has run Taral V hard mode 7 times.

The group consist off

1 x jedi knight

1 x jedi consular

2 x trooper


Loot drops so far from end boss

1 x jedi knight

1 x jedi consular

0 x trooper

5 x smuggler


We just ran a different hard mode and guess what drops, you got it smuggler.


I know the drops are random but at this rate we will have had enough items to equip every smuggler on the server and we will still be waiting for trooper items to drop.


This needs to change on how the random is worked out.

Or drop an item that any class can use in exchange for there class item.

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I know wow had a problem where the RNG of loot would be "seeded" based on the party leader's class (aka whose zone it is). I've had terrible luck gaining jedi knight gear w/out a JK in my FP's... and even in raids too! In two nights of raiding HM EV and HH.... our one JK literally got 6 upgrades, 4 of which were rakata. I mean hes a great guy... but it was seriously out of hand.


I'd like to see a feature where the RNG is seeded based on group composition. If there are no smugglers in the group, smuggler tokens shouldn't drop! If my group has 2 troopers, there should be an increase in trooper gear drops (maybe not double... but 20%? 50%? something like that).


BTW, if there was a token swap feature... what would prevent a jerk from just needing someone else's gear token to turn in for his gear? It would devolve into "one token fits all" type of play.

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There was promise of a class-specific gear bag pre-launch for resolving situations like this, yet it was never implemented and players are still being screwed for their efforts.


Class specific gear bags can easily remedy this problem, it's about rewarding the players when they've earned it, not about giving them items they can't use or trade because it's all bind on pickup.


Basically we need to push for them to put it back into the game, this isn't the first time I've seen groups of people repeatedly getting an item for a class that's not even in the group from hardmodes.

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