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My "Save the World" Thread


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So, here's my attempt at this already beaten down topic.


I'd like to start by saying I think it's an easy assumption that we all love Star Wars. From Luke to the Emperor, Yoda to Windu, Anakin to Obi Wan and even the extended universe.


For many, this game has been a lifetime in the works. I personally have waited my entire life for an expansive MMO world that embodies my favorite IP of all time, Star WArs, and finally the chance to run around pushing people with the force and swinging a lightsaber has come.


Now that the nostalgic part of the post is over, let's open with some of the great things SW:ToR has done for the MMO community.





The levelling experience has changed forever thanks to BW. The way your character interacts with the environment, the fully voiced quest dialogue and everything that is involved with propelling your character through the storyline and making you who you are at level 50 was extremely breakthrough, and has set the bar a little higher for any other game that is going to come out after this one. +1


Class changes: We have seen new classes that take the old ways of doing things and pushed them to a new level. Hybrid specs are viable (I like that) new version of speccing your class (AC's) and a very cool take on the world of Star Wars (you can re-watch the movies after seeing this game and be like, Oh he's _______ class! Or, wow, I recognize that as __________ ability) +1


Expansive massive universe. A lot of people say it's just flying from dead planet to dead planet, but if you look at the AMOUNT of land mass that is covered through this game (whether it's really bigger or you only have a +110% mount is to be determined) is vast, and IMO <------ was only rivaled by EQ. +1


PvE is fun. Kinda ghetto that there's no real "Progression" at end game, you end up running the same stuff over and over. This needs a bit of work possibly adding MULTIPLE mechanics to different tiers of difficulty, or even allowing e-peeners to peen and going back to the EQ "flag" system of progression. You want to do that next big *** raid? Beat the one before it and flag your guild or group of players as being eligible to enter. This would not only expand your content lifeline, but give upper eschelon something to "work for" or "brag about" Overall though, positive. +1






FIX PVP! I will elaborate so people don't QQ. There are bugs. Glitches. Hacks. Poor game design. "You didn't list anything specific" Ok, here I go.



WZ Queing Hack

Glitching under the floor for +damage and +run speed

Speed hacking

Capping through the doors (still happens)

Untargetabble on certain areas of the map

Glitching through Alderaan

Botting in WZ's

AFK Clicking in Ilum

Infinite Health Pool hack

Infinite Resolve Bar Hack

Terrible Resolve Bar all around

Ilum being boring.

Ilum being overpopulated

Ilum crashing as an attempt to fix botters

Ilum having no competition

Ilum being SEVERLY Imperial.

WZ Quitters

Battlemaster Bags having terrible drop rates

Gear gap between 50's and BM's (this is not as bad)

PvE gear being > PvP gear

Grinding dailies becomes MONOTONOUS



Need more?





PvE is very uncompetitive. The difference between HM and NM is so unbelievably underhwleming. And how are people not going to get gear from it for the longest time? Terrible flaw. That is unacceptable - as these games are ALL ABOUT THE GEAR YOU ACQUIRE. -1



Server population and faction imbalance. "But BW can't control what faction people choose to play, it's not their fault, quit QQ'ing!" I play Empire, and I'll tell you why.


Their storylines are ten thousand times better.

They win.

There's more of them.

Faster ques

Faster dailies

Winning on Ilum


Their voices are cooler.

Their animations are cooler.

So on and so forth...


"BW can't control what faction people...." Yes, in some aspects, this is true. They cannot force you to play a certain faction. What is in their realm of ability, however, is to add content, flavor, upgrades, bonuses, ANYTHING that will SUBCONSCIOUSLY affect a person's decision when they click the republic symbol or imperial symbol. Don't bow down and accept the fact that people want to play the "cooler" faction, BW are GAME DESIGNERS, make something happen.






So, we have an overall count of +4, -6, which leaves us with a grand total of a -2.


This is not unfixable. There are tons of things to even this to a 0 or even put it in the + realm of enjoyability. I will elaborate:




FIX PVP. Do not come out with another single patch that adds "Companion Clothing in Cutscenes" or this random side quests works now (I understand class quests take precidence over anything else, and I agree) or This wall is a little better textured or the GTN will no longer give you credits that really don't mean anything.


FIX PVP FIRST. This is what your player base wants. This is what is breaking the game for 75% of your paying customers. FIX IT. In the realm of customer service, sometimes you have to break your plan in order to appease the community. If the community doesn't want Random_Flashpoint_0125125 for level 50, and EVERYONE and their mother is complaining about PVP, it is your job as the leader of this adventure (our DM) to FIX WHAT WE ASK YOU TO FIX. You are not ignorant to the fact that this is what we are complaining about. Imagine going to BK and ordering a Whopper and they give you a Chicken Sandwhich. "This isn't what I ordered? I don't even want this! Wait...why am I even paying for this?"




"But you didn't address anything about Ilum, your post is not constructive and just QQ"

Let me elaborate:


Add ANY kind of boosting factor to help the Repubs in Ilum, such as:


Spawnable NPC's that use an equation of how many Imps vs. Repubs in the zone, and send out level 50 NPCS (elites, not hcampions) to help balance it out for the side that needs assistance.



Make a spawnable world boss that either comes through a quest, or spawns automatically (because repubs can't even leave their base) every hour, 30 mins, 15 minutes, whatever your math guys decide to do. This would LEVEL the blocking outside the base for enough time that the Repubs could get out and go start capturing points.


Make a debuff for the players that are inside the base, such as: If you are inside your own base for 10+ minutes you get a stacking debuff that lowers valor gained (discourages fishing), puts a DoT on you, reduces movement speed, kicks you to fleet. Any or all of these would work nicely to encourage people to stop being afraid, and come out and fight.


If you were to do one of the above debuffs, add a buff into it. Like such: "10 minutes in base: Your movement speed has decreased and you take X damage every X seconds, but VALOR GAIN INCREASED 1000%) This player would think "Oh, well...I better go outside and try and get some points."


Any of these points would work and needs to be addressed ASAP. The majority of YOUR player base has been complaining about these issues and nothing has been done to fix it.



My final proposed change, and this is directed specifically at BW:




Put yourself in our shoes. We love your game. We love Star Wars. You are our leaders in this adventure. Everytime we ask you anything about what changes are coming or how do you plan on fixing these issues we complain about, it's like your outside chiefing that cigarette, constantly on break. We need your information. We need you to put your yellow text on our thread that says "THIS is why you should keep paying $15". You guys are the DM, please fix our story and keep moving us forward in the greatest IP of all time: Star Wars. We love the stories, and we have waited our whole lives for this.


Don't let us down.



Flame on.



PvE: I offered a few suggestions above about what to fix

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Wow, no flame?


Patience, grasshopper. The flames will come to one who posts. Give the rose time to flower. :D


Seriously, though... I think you have a lot of the issues down nicely. The arguments will come from your proposed fixes, and there already a ton of threads debating these topics.

Edited by Bamajawn
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The levelling experience has changed forever thanks to BW. The way your character interacts with the environment, the fully voiced quest dialogue and everything that is involved with propelling your character through the storyline and making you who you are at level 50 was extremely breakthrough, and has set the bar a little higher for any other game that is going to come out after this one. +1


God I hope not!


If anything, I hope SWTOR proved once and for all that dialogue and story belong in single player RPGs and have no place in MMOs.

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this is the most balanced game (PvP) ive ever played at launch, and ive played a lot of MMO's, like a real lot.


Im very excited for the future and anyone who isnt should go play a FPS or like farmville or some ****, idc.

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Balance = strength of servers and command over hacks and glitches or balance between classes?


Balance as in ALL classes are very well balanced.


BTW i can still speed hack in WoW 7 years later, so dont fault BW for that.


There are a number of healthy servers, mine features a 1:1.1 ratio of Repub to Sith.

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Class balance is fine, I agree.


And yes, there are some servers that are balanced, but if you look at the actual numbers it's over 65% are Imperial DOMINATED (3:1)


Must suck to be a repub.


You can speed hack in wow yes, but they have fishers and you'll get caught eventually.

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Their storylines are ten thousand times better.

They win.

There's more of them.

Faster ques

Faster dailies

Winning on Ilum


Their voices are cooler.

Their animations are cooler.

So on and so forth...



Really? I win just as many times as repub

Circular logic fayuls

Not on my server.

Because they win more, because that's circular logic. Fayul

Circular logic Fayuls

Really? I happen to think that the marauder's dress looks silly.

Pshhh you know you just hit space bare.

Stockstrike > Rocket Punch. Always


So yeah, they have more people because they win more on illum... because they have more people? O.o


So I think the list should be as follows:


Their storylines are ten thousand times better.


Their voices are cooler.

Their animations are cooler.


Oops, those are all opinionated.


Go figure.

Edited by Zunayson
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Their storylines are ten thousand times better.


Their voices are cooler.

Their animations are cooler.


Oops, those are all opinionated.


Yes, they are opinions...and they are mine. Everything else that was said is valid though...fact is that a LOT of people feel that way, which is why the Empire outnumbers Republic. You could argue that Empire has more "extended universe' lore, but a ton of people have no idea who Marka Ragnos or Ajuta Pall are outside of this game.


Devs should read a lot of posts but won't =D

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