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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion Ideas


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This is just a list of some things I'd like to see brought to the companion system long term. I hope other will add their own ideas to the discussion!


All non-specialty shop customization should be offered as rewards in the quest that grants us the companion, so we can pick out look early on and be consistent with how we want to see out companion


The Protocol Droid should also have customization options - I'd like to request a shiny chrome one of the same style as the one on the Black Talon.


The currently empty companion customization vendor on Ilum should not only sell all the non-specialty vendor customizations, but should also sell empty mod versions of all the companion gear sets that were offered as quest rewards throughout the game. Some companions have very unique outfits that tell a lot about their story, like Lt Pierce's Imperial Army Armor, but it would also be nice to have more options that look like player gear.


More companion centric content, perhaps flashpoint like instances where you make a group with 3 of your companions to give options for companion gear and gaining companion affection, or even building cross companion stories a bit, like getting one companion to trust another more. Or periodic quests you can do with certain companions.


Sith/Jedi overall might need better apprentice/padawan choices, allowing for a variety of relationship options. Maybe the apprentice/padawan's role needs to be somethign we can choose to make the partnership work better. They should probably also be able to be romanced by the player for opposite and same gender romances. This allows us to run with a force using companion that best compliments our play style, without giving us a ton of force using companions to travel with.


Class Restricted armor needs to account for companions that are based on that archtype. I'd love to put Jaesa in the Sorcers modded set, but she can't wear it because she isn't a Sorcerer.


Companions need individual hide hat options on their paperdoll, maybe just a checkbox next to the helm slot.


The paperdolls for all companions should work everywhere like it works on the ship, allowing us to scroll through our companions and compare gear. Additionally, it would be great if we could equip items on them and mod their armor while they are on missions. I'm capable of pretending I left it on their bed while they were out, and they put it on when they got back.


It would be nice if companions would move around the ship more, and act like they are doing things. If you want them to be in a specific place for their quests, you can have them return to that point. Having them always stand in one place, some of which are strange, like Broonmark hangs out in the cargo hold. Making them seem like they do something would make it a bit more interesting.


Stop having mission returns interrupt everything. If I am in a FP/OP/WZ or browsing the GTN or a Vendor and they complete a mission it should make their return emote and just stack up in pending until I decide to grab it instead of opening/closing windows at very bad times.


Please add in more permanent high end missions. I practically know them all by heart currently. I also wouldn't be sad if you let me queue up 5 at a time like crafted items.


During space combat, it would be nice if someone other then just my first companion had some chatter to offer.

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