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orange waist


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hey guys, im lvl 46 approaching lvl 47, i was wondering if any of you know offhand where i can get an orange waist item... been monitoring gtn and nothing, so i was hoping maybe somoene knows of a quest or a flashpoint i can pick one up from


thanks in advance my fellow marauders:D

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its a level 33 drop. I'd focus on missions/npcs at that level. Its going to be a drop.


I've got one for my smuggler. without mods its a level 33. Torhead was wrong last I checked.


I would try level 33 lockboxes. I got orange modded equipment from it. You probably have accomadations that are useless for 33 from a planet. Try to open green premium item boxes first as that might be the quickest attempt to loot a belt.


If that doesn't work farm lvl 33's. Mine is an RD-07 Viper Belt medium armor requires smuggler. It had no mods.


I got it off the GTN when someone was leveling and didn't realize how rare they drop for 4k. But its a lvl 33 orange.


That should help. I'd tell you its sort of a waste at 46. Once you hit 50 you'll get centurion coms quick enough to buy a better belt then if you put purple craft lvl 49 armor+mod if you are cybertech like me.


I'll post an image of the belt later if I remember tonight. Its in my bank.

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For the non-Light armor users (who can get belt from the Space commodation vendor), my best suggestion would be grinding on Dromond Kaas.


What? Dromond Kaas? Yes, that's right. In a seperate thread on another sub-board, the hordes of SI were all trying to figure out where they could find the various pieces of their Saber Marshal armor set. By the later part of that long thread, it was clear that EVERY piece of the Saber Marshal set could be found as a potential drop on Dromond Kaas. While x4 Heroic trash mobs had a rare drop chance, the majority came from killing various named mobs located on the planet.


One such mob is the named guy who's on the upper catwalk area in front of the Dark Temple ruins. He has a chance to drop an Orange grade item for any class. (I can't remember if it was the Belt or Wrist slot.) People would kill him, then rush over to one of the Heroic areas to kill another named mob (which I believe was located in the Heroic area near the Dark Temple). Once that was finished, they'd head back to the Dark Temple mob. Rinse and repeat. Reported drop rates seemed to be really random with some players getting the Orange item they wanted on the 1st kill while others didn't get it until closer to the 50th kill (while getting various other Orange drops in between).


EDIT: I linked the associated thread below.



Edited by Roda
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