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Petition to Get Codex fixed


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As some of you may know, the codex in the game is horribly bugged. As of right now (2/15), none of the planets can be completed for many of the classes. Bioware is probably aware of the issue, but unless we make it known to them that it should be a priority, they'll probably keep delaying fixing the codex. To this end, I'm making a petition that you can just copy and paste into the /bug command in the game to let Bioware that we want the codex fixed. I've made it so it lists all the bugs and still fits within the 2500 character limit.


(thanks to Anduni and everyone else who contributed to the thread that collected the bugged entries at http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=104803)


Copy / paste from below:


We find codex completion to be a viable alternative to end-game PvP, flashpoints, and operations, but as of now, the codex system is fundamentally broken. Please check whether the following codex entries are either bugged or missing (* indicates the entry is bugged for only some classes.):



Title: Imperial Scholar

Location: Sith Academy

Species: Sith Pureblood*, Abyssin*, Dashade*

Lore: The Red Engine*, Sith Weapons*



Persons: Nem'ro*, The Red Blade*

Species: Evocii*, Ugnaught*


Dromund Kaas:

Lore: Lord Parnax’s Lost Recordings, The Blade of the Sith Executioner, The Phobis Devices

Organization: Revanites

Species: Selkath, Duros, Chevin

Ship: X-70B Phantom-class Prototype (Agent)*



Title: Conqueror of Balmorra

Lore: The Invasion of Balmorra

Species: Gran, Colicoid

Person of Note: Lieutenant Major Pirrell*



Title: Primeval Explorer

Lore: History of Tatooine


Nar Shaddaa:

Lore: The Spice Business

Organizations: The Exchange

Species: Gen’Dai



Title: Champion of House Thul

Persons of Note: Rehanna Rist*, Bouris Ulgo

Species: Killik



Title: Scorcher of Worlds

Lore: Rakghoul Disease*



Title: Venomous

Lore: The Three Families



Organizations: The White Maw Pirates, Chiss Ascendancy

Species: Talz, Chiss, Ortolan

Bestiary: Skel

Titles: Of the Bane Brigade, Ice Wars Veteran



Lore: Mind Trap, Belsavis Prison Personnel, The Infinite Empire, Belsavis Vaults

Titles: Master of the Burning Way, Jailbreaker



Persons of Note: Jokull

Species: Voss, Gormak

Lore: The Imperial Attack on Voss, The Three, Gormak and Voss Origins

Titles: Ambassador of the Empire, Ambassador of the Republic



Titles: Conqueror of Corellia, Liberator of Corellia

Lore: History of Corellia, Black Codex: The Star Cabal’s Endgame (Agent)

Species: Drall, Selonian

Organization: Corellian Security Force (CorSec)



Lore: Stealth Technology and Warfare

Bestiary: Asharli Panther, Kath Hound, Bogwing



Game Rule: Combat Ratings


Other notes:

There is no codex identification window popping up after you achieve level 50.

There is a codex category above all others (above datacrons) that has an empty tag but can be clicked.

Edited by NickAnspach
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Hello Everybody!


We appreciate your interest in talking about issues with the codex and trying to get them corrected but we are going to close this thread as there is already an active thread about it here. We suggest continuing your discussion there.


Thank you!

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