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Story Cutscene/VA Errors


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So throughout my various stints into TOR, I've noticed some VA/cutscene errors as I go, not limited to any one demographic or anything, so I'll list them below, please suggest others with as much information as you can, and I'll add them to the list.



-When returning to the Black Talon from the Brentaal Star, the droid states that your group should return TO the Brentaal Star, even though you're on it when you have the conversation.



-When talking to Captain ???(I'll check name later), a Twilek, on the Republic Fleet about advancing one's class quest to Ilum, the male character pronounces Ilum as "loom".


This is all I've got for now, so please contribute!

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I noticed that too. I would imagine that with so much dialogue errors will creep through. I think the most amusing one I saw was the female Sith Warrior telling a dessert monster that she would not back down. Of course that was just an odd sounding delivery. Edited by OldVengeance
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