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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I wish PvP posts went in the PvP forum


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Maybe its me, but I get pretty frustrated when I read either this generic General Discussion forum or the large Class forum and see that well over 50% of the posts are related to PvP. Shouldn't they go in the PvP forum?


Almost ever time I see nerf this, buff that, this is useless, that is broken, it is a PvP issue.


Can't that be moved to the PvP forum? I personally do not care about PvP so I don't read that forum. But the main forums are so cluttered with PvP centric issues (the vast majority are complaints) that it ruins the forums for me all together.


Let's put the PvP stuff in the PvP forum. It makes sense. And it might actually make the other forums more pleasant :)


There. I feel better saying it. Feel free to flame me to pieces.

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