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Tanking in PVP


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I regularly get between 6-10 medals per game. Usually average more in voidstar or alderaan if the fighting is decent. Remember to keep your guard up on squishies and to constantly taunt high dps targets and/or targets attacking the person your gaurded. I'm only 43 but i usually average 100K+ dps, 2,5,10 and 50k dmg protected, 10 targets killed, 25 targets killed and sometimes i manage to find a solo fight and grab that medal. Alderaan and huttball set you up nicely for a 1 and 3k objective point medal.


Sure without a healer you die a lot considering your taking dmg for someone else. I'm lucky though and pair with a healing scoundrel. I get the medallions and he usually grabs MVP.

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I tank PvP at 50 on my Guardian and I will say it is VERY effective, as long as you have a decent healer in the Warzone. You can tank without a healer you will just not be as effective and most likely die more often (unless you stop guarding people). But as of right now, I love it.


A healer, me guarding him and two DPS fought off the entire empire team from one of the nodes in Alderaan Warzone. I'm not saying we were god-like players, maybe the Empire team had many new 50's but nevertheless, it was 8 on 4 and we killed ALL of them. They focused healer so I guarded him, then guard leaped at him, then area taunted. He literally took no damage for about 6 seconds. He kept us alive while I helped him stay alive and the DPS picked off the imps one at a time. Very fun. I got a kill in as well :)

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Thanks for the info, I like the idea of tanking in PVP especially how taunt works in this game. I was just hoping it didnt do a major gimp on myself now that I am starting to get gear. One big problem though is I play solo so I never have a healer. I assume my best bet would to guard a healer at the beggining and follow him around?
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I regularly get between 6-10 medals per game. Usually average more in voidstar or alderaan if the fighting is decent. Remember to keep your guard up on squishies and to constantly taunt high dps targets and/or targets attacking the person your gaurded. I'm only 43 but i usually average 100K+ dps, 2,5,10 and 50k dmg protected, 10 targets killed, 25 targets killed and sometimes i manage to find a solo fight and grab that medal. Alderaan and huttball set you up nicely for a 1 and 3k objective point medal.


Sure without a healer you die a lot considering your taking dmg for someone else. I'm lucky though and pair with a healing scoundrel. I get the medallions and he usually grabs MVP.


This is still pretty accurate at 50. I get the same medals and can usually do around 150k damage. Your damage output is pretty tied to how much you die, so those numbers skew when I have someone healing me the whole match, or if I don't.


In Huttball if I'm carrying the ball more I get less medals but my team wins more, so thats really your trade off.


Thanks for the info, I like the idea of tanking in PVP especially how taunt works in this game. I was just hoping it didnt do a major gimp on myself now that I am starting to get gear. One big problem though is I play solo so I never have a healer. I assume my best bet would to guard a healer at the beggining and follow him around?


I usually solo queue unless some guildmates are pvping that night as well. It isn't a requirement to guard a healer, you can be just as effective guarding a good DPS, or waiting to see who the other team focuses on and guarding them. Swapping guard is actually quite easy, just one button press - and something you should get used to doing depending on circumstance.


I've got some Tank specific PvP stuff on my blog (linky in sig) that might be helpful for you just to see some gameplay and strategies.

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I have a 50 sentinel and a 50 Jugg. The Jugg is a hybrid immortal/vengeance spec with 24 points in immortal, and he is the one of the two that is more likely to swing a game. Most survivable AC/spec in the game bar none, with a great CC selection and solid damage (the 150K number is pretty typical).
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I've been tanking as I grab better gear (more expertise) and yes you will be a medal farming machine. That being said, you don't have to be Defense spec to use all of those tanking abilities. I think if you want to tank in PvP do the Defense/Vigi hybrid or just roll a DPS spec and stay in Soresu stance. My biggest gripe with the tanking spec is that your damage is really weak in PvP. The stuns are nice and the lower cost of the AoE stun is useful but in my opinion the damage is lacking. I'd prefer being in a defensive spec and using the taunts/aoe taunts and guarding if necessary but actually being able to put the hurt on people.


I've noticed several Vigilance or Focus Guardians getting the same amount of medals or more than me and putting out way higher damage while still keeping up with me in the protection stat just by making sure they still use their taunts as well as pumping out damage.

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I've been tanking as I grab better gear (more expertise) and yes you will be a medal farming machine. That being said, you don't have to be Defense spec to use all of those tanking abilities. I think if you want to tank in PvP do the Defense/Vigi hybrid or just roll a DPS spec and stay in Soresu stance. My biggest gripe with the tanking spec is that your damage is really weak in PvP. The stuns are nice and the lower cost of the AoE stun is useful but in my opinion the damage is lacking. I'd prefer being in a defensive spec and using the taunts/aoe taunts and guarding if necessary but actually being able to put the hurt on people.


I've noticed several Vigilance or Focus Guardians getting the same amount of medals or more than me and putting out way higher damage while still keeping up with me in the protection stat just by making sure they still use their taunts as well as pumping out damage.


A tank vigilance hybrid is just as survivable in PvP as a pure tank with much better damage potential.

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