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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Things I would like to see fixed and changed.


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Sorry for the following wall of text, I tried to split it up for easier digestion.




1) many graphics issues like shaders and anti-aliasing causing extreme frame rate drops.

( I have a better than minimum requirement computer)


2) The WZ where you have to stop the other team from getting through a series of doors. The opening cinematic has a ship that overlaps another ship by basically running it over.


3) commando quest story line, when you go the second time to capture tavuus on a larger ship. At the very end when the republic forces are supposed to show up, as you start running out it caused the game to hang with the "quest bubble" in the air like some dialogue was supposed to happen but it never did. I had to log out, and yes I was able to press esc to log out, just wasn't able to move my char or do anything else. I didn't have to restart the game. When I logged back in, I moved a few steps and it did the same thing. repeated the log out. came back in and moved forward again, I'm guessing I was far enough forward this time to have the dialogue sequence start and was able to finally finish that part of the quest.


I will add more to this post as I've forgotten a few things:




1) The size ratio between buildings and people/vehicles just isn't right. Aesthetically unappealing.


2) On the sith side, the view from your own space ship was nice, on the republic side, I'm sad every time I enter my ship.


3)I'd like to see more done with space in general, more views, an updated start map system, something more dynamic.


4) I enjoy the space missions, but the size ratios between the ships just seems quit a bit off to me.


5) questing from 1 to 50 on both sith and republic sides. The size of planets from start to finish feel like you're in a very small town, then a city, then a large city with surrounding outposts. The planets are quite linear but the cities have a much better expanse feel to them. Take for instance Dromund Kaas, Loved this planet, but it made me feel like I was playing outside the walls of a big city. Nar Shadaa on the other hand had the beginnings of making you feel like the entire planet is one gigantic city, but then you finish the quest lines and bonus quest lines then there's nothing more =/


6) There are many ways to improve the perception without increasing time played.


Other stuff:


1) Datacrons are fun, the community puts out tons of videos, you get to hear people trying to do the same thing, people are willing to lend a hand and want to share their experience and know-how with you. Things like this keep me hanging on wanting more, but once you're done that's it. I don't want more datacrons. But, the datacrons add dynamically to the game and ideas like this are what I'm looking for, and hopefully other players do to.


2) The WZs are tons of fun, but you typically face the same people a lot (that's the not so fun part) which leads to the next point.


3) There should have been no reason to have an antiquated grouping system with such a large track record of past MMOs. I get that you want a since of community, but limiting people because of population issues, which has been present in all MMOs, makes grouping that much more unattractive. Building community doesn't need to be confined to the server you chose to play on.


4) The fleet is very troublesome once you too many people trying to access the same resources.


I will add more later, but for now these are my thoughts.


Thank you for any time you give to reading this, because I do enjoy the game!

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2) The WZ where you have to stop the other team from getting through a series of doors. The opening cinematic has a ship that overlaps another ship by basically running it over.


I was just going to mention this WZ. Basically, if you are the defender, you have to ride some stupid speeder to the spot which takes about 1 minute. So what happens is that the defender will have 5-6 people riding those stupid things, and the match starts because the game thinks everyone is present, which leaves them with 2-3 defenders until that shield lets more through. With the run speed thing that sages/sorcerers get, it's basically a dash before anyone can catch up. Such stupidity in design.

Edited by Qoojo
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