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[Character Customization in-game and Sith Warrior Lightning] What do you guys think?


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I really think their should be a Character Customization vender (for cheap credits) in-game for our characters. Which will allow us to customize our hair, beard, tatoos and facial feautures. Peronally I think this would be a great feauture and everyones characters will look the business. :D


Also the addition of more lore like force powers would be good. I was a tad dissapointed that my Sith Warrior Juggernaut was not able to use force lightning when clearly seeing Darth Malgus use it in the cinematics. Could this be false advertising? Mainly becasue he clearly is a juggernaut by the way he looks. Mabye you could try to add more lore applicable force powers to all classes but it isn't a massive crime if this dosen't happen.


What do you think guys? Good ideas or not. feel free to add your own! :D

Edited by Samurexus
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I just agree with pretty much everything you just wrote :) dunno about the lore-force powers/abilitys tho, might be hard to put in [and be "balanced" etc]. ;)





LvL-50 Sith-Sorceress

Edited by gaskull
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I really think their should be a Character Customization vender (for cheap credits) in-game for our characters. Which will allow us to customize our hair, beard, tatoos and facial feautures. Peronally I think this would be a great feauture and everyones characters will look the business. :D


Barbershops, tattoo parlors, tanning salons, plastic surgery centers... they all make sense, honestly, and would be an interesting way to allow active customization of one's main character. Oftentimes people don't like what their character looks like and would like to change without a reroll, and saying "Put a helmet on or hood up" isn't what we'd rather do.


Neat, yes, but you'll be very quickly told BioWare has more important things to concern itself with before getting to things like this (things, mind you, I think would be great in the game at some point).


Also the addition of more lore like force powers would be good. I was a tad dissapointed that my Sith Warrior Juggernaut was not able to use force lightning when clearly seeing Darth Malgus use it in the cinematics. Could this be false advertising? Mainly becasue he clearly is a juggernaut by the way he looks. Mabye you could try to add more lore applicable force powers to all classes but it isn't a massive crime if this dosen't happen.


What do you think guys? Good ideas or not. feel free to add your own! :D


Though I've seen a lot of people complaining about this (sometimes rightfully so, sometimes rather foolishly), with respect to Darth Malgus, you can't expect to be able to fully emulate his powers and abilities - isn't that what makes him unique and all the more powerful? Personally, when I think of shooting lightning, what comes to mind is seeing the Emperor - a Sorcerer - toasting up Luke in Return of the Jedi.

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I like to think of force powers in 2 respects. Those that are available as "combat" abilities and those that the force user are practiced enough in to use in combat as they lack concentration.


Ie I'm a sorc and I can totally kill people with my lightsabre when they are conversation choices (usually with a weak or defeated combatant) or kill just normal low levels as it should be. I am not crazy skilled with lightsabres, because my combat powers revolve around concentrating my hatred into lightning.


Juggernauts have learnt to concentrate their hatred into martial combat prowess (rage). Thats the difference.


The reason Malgus can use both is because he is better then our normal PC's, if we were playing dungeons and dragons he would be a gestalt character, having level double characters classes simultaneously and taking the best facets from each one.


This is evident from the fact that it takes a 4 man imperial strike force 10 mins to kill him in heated combat.

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I agree!!


On the subject of not being able to use lightning as a Jugg: In hope, where he uses the ability, Satele (Consular archetype) is seen using a double bladed light saber but she is clearly a sage-type character.


Also, it just wouldn't paint the "These are both equally matched" picture BW was trying to paint if Malgus just started Force Crushing the Grand Master of the Jedi order :D

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  • 2 months later...
I really think their should be a Character Customization vender (for cheap credits) in-game for our characters. Which will allow us to customize our hair, beard, tatoos and facial feautures. Peronally I think this would be a great feauture and everyones characters will look the business. :D


Also the addition of more lore like force powers would be good. I was a tad dissapointed that my Sith Warrior Juggernaut was not able to use force lightning when clearly seeing Darth Malgus use it in the cinematics. Could this be false advertising? Mainly becasue he clearly is a juggernaut by the way he looks. Mabye you could try to add more lore applicable force powers to all classes but it isn't a massive crime if this dosen't happen.


What do you think guys? Good ideas or not. feel free to add your own! :D


I agree with the Character Customization! I really want to change my Warrior's facial features and for the Force powers, As long as its balanced it will be great. Maybe in later Legacy updates they can add Lightning as a Purchashable ability and not the Legacy abilities the last only seconds and have 12 minute cooldown....

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