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Anyone else bothered by this?


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Carrick Station, Republic Fleet: When disembarking, Counselors zone in at the their hanger doors, while the other three types zone in somewhere other than at their hanger doors.


Why? Were the hangers rearranged during beta?


And my one Imp character (agent) doesn't even zone in at the door, but rather at her ship inside the hanger (which actually makes more sense, but is annoying b/c of the extra travel time).


Do all Imps zone in at their ships when disembarking?

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Do all Imps zone in at their ships when disembarking?


Afaik yes, all Imp classes that I've played do.. that said, my JK and Smuggler also do that.


Something that does annoy me though is that when using the fleet pass Republic chars zone in at the shuttle.. while Imp chars zone in inside the station close to the cantina :confused:

Edited by Lundli
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