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Pure Shockfrozen NERF?


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Kill trading on ilum......never happened....wink wink


People advertising on my server to form these groups......not happening...wink wink


I grinded to 62 valor through WZ's pre Ilum. Why should other people automatically get my months work? :S

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Why do people appear to believe that healers get more medals in WZ's? I have never seen this to be true, as healers usually get fewer than both dps and tanks when I view post-match standings. If they are hybrid and spend a lot of time dpsing, then this might be true, but if they focus on healing the op, then they rarely get more than 1-2 dps-based medals.


If anything, I think healers need some love in the medal department by awarding them kills for healing friendlies that are then making kills.


we believe healers get more medals because THEY DO


once you understand how the medals system works, you can get 2-4 more medals per game just by healing or protecting people for a certain amount

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