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tab targeting makes me crazy


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Tab targetting in this game suffers from some very poorly thought-out logic as to what it should select first if you have no target selected.


If a desired target is in the CENTER of my screen, hitting tab should by default be smart enough to grab said target. instead, if often grabs some target off to the far side (who knows how it decides). It's very very un-intuitive.


Please do not say to keybind "target nearest enemy" or "center screen" -- you should not need separate keybinds for such a basic targetting functionality. Also, "target nearest enemy" means you are locked into the nearest enemy only... no target switching. I hate to say it, but WoW has a very very well-done tab-target functionality that works nearly perfectly as it should.


Basically, TAB should be a center-weighted target function where you pick center screen first, then spiral outwards from the initial target... not left to right or outside to in or whatever bizarre logic was chosen.


Please fix this ASAP. It is especially frustrating in PvP environments.

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Completely agree. That, and they should have a more obvious visual cue as to WHAT you have targetted. Right now all I get is a little red circle under someone's feet which is next to useless in the heat of battle.


If people want to either tab-target the center of their screen or closest enemy, it could be a flag you can swap in options somewhere.

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