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I can be a huge pr, i can troll with the best of them.


I have been sorta playing not playing in warzones and i have been running world pvp here and there.


I think for the most part im just bored. sad aint it just hit 50 last week and already bored to death of this game.


I think i am realizing my choice in servers was a bad choice.


Darth xander what ever is a dead server. there is maybe 50 people on fleet at any given time no more then 20-40 on any planet at any given time.


So ill be leveling a new toon on my beta server of Whitebeam.


No you wont normally see me in chat i refuse to deal with troll chats and most chats are trolled constantly.




ill be playing on Republic side as i am seeing a huge lack of republic players on any given server in pvp!


seems like wow all the kiddies rushed to the imperial side//horde side and there is a huge disbalance in the force.


i have been in mmos since 1997 and have enjoyed my time from game to game to game..


Normally this long into a game i have a life time forums ban due to passionate posting..uncensored passionate posting to be more correct.


i have seriously censored myself here, as i hope to add to conversations and get to know more members of the community and enjoy my time in TOR.


That hasnt been happening here since go, yet to group with anyone due to low player numbers yet to run with anyone due to low player numbers..


In wow i met a guy from trinidad during my leveling 1-60 in yr 1 we have been great friends since that day and continue to communicate.


I hope to find a guild on whitebeam rep side that is inviting fun and active. im not petitioning here for one just a general appology to some who i have apparently "Interfered with their ability to enjoy the game" and a site wide appology to all who i may have inadvertently trolled here on the forums.


So ill drop my prejudice about the glitches the lack of this and that.


I`ll remake a level 1 and just go with the flow and try to immerse myself into the world i have loved since child hood.


Anyways enough rambling.. if i have wronged you in game take this as my meh sorry if have i trolled your posts? sorry..


To a new begining and a new server.. The crappy ones can kiss my tiny pixelated butt!




F.O.E`s 4 life ,,v, <(~_~)> and no not fists of the empire or other :p even though fists still in my ventrillo(oops he was giving the finger ment to give a peace sign) glad i caught it before a mod did!

Edited by Gphalen
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