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Normal Quest and Class Story Difficulty


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First let me Say I am A Huge Bioware Fan and have been since Baldurs Gate.


Now on topic,


I have the following toons

40 Sith Juggernaut

40 Jedi Sentinal

36 Commando

41 Mercenary

37 Sorcerer

33 Sage


I am realy getting frustrated, Basicly finding a class i can relax and enjoy leveling without having to fight for my life on normal quests.


For all the time i have played the game and the amount of hours i play i can tell you that there is a BALANCE issue with normal quest mobs the same level but in different locations doing different amounts of damage.


For Example Empire Alderan Rist enimies drop my health way faster than killik and seem to take longer to die.


Jedi and Sith Warriors need better damage mitigation, I am sorry an might be alone on this but i dont have the patcience to level them from 40-50 it is to frustrating to die over and over.

thy are in top gear for their level and companions are also geared appropriately.


It Saddens me because out of all the classes i realy was engrossed into their stories and was really looking foreward to playing them,


But in my opinion it realy breaks the RPG fan in me to have the feel from level 1-20 that i am a powerful sith or jedi abd then do a quest and die and die and die.


In Conclusion Normal Quest difficulty Should be Looked at Closely!!


Beacuse right know this game is going down the path of LOTRO and Age of Conan which almost forced you to group just to level up.


This is my opinon and realize thant not all will feel my pain but wanted to share my thoughts.



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As a jedi sentinel I find that the damage mitigation needs to be increased. When fighting normal mobs its not so bad but the elites and bosses drain health very fast. I would suggest maybe lowering the cooldown on saberward to 1 minute. As someone who only plays a couple of hours a day I do not have time to wait around for a group. It would be nice if you didn't force people who want to do normal quests and experience the stories to group to complete their objective's. Leave the groups for the flashpoints and operations. Thank You
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I've got


41 Sage

40 Guardian

27 Scoundrel

23 Commando

19 Sniper


And the only solo quest I've ever had any difficulty with was Attis Station for the Sage, That quest was ridiculous, Even once you realised what you had to use it was still extremely difficult (I actually noticed no difference even when I had used them, I think their either bugged, my Force Armour breaks it, Or they simply do very little).


You simply took so much damage and they all had so much health, it was like a Heroic 2+.


Excluding that quest I've had no issues, So my only suggestion is perhaps its down to how well geared you are or your skill tree's?

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Level 50 Sith Sorcerer ( Healer )

Level 11 Sith Assassin ( Tank )

Level 4 Rep. Human Smuggler ( Ranged DPS incoming )

Level 14-16 Sith Marauder ( DPS )


Never had problems on normal leveling quests, either some thing is done wrong or I body pull some thing and I die but never had real problems.

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If you notice, in the list of characters that you have, many (but not all) are the same play style. (Ranged Damage / Heal Trees). Perhaps you are running into a kind of opposition that was explicitly designed to be tough for the ranged character?


I've played tanks, healers, and dps toons, and personally, I think this game is so easy a even a Republican could play it.

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