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Some idea's for SWTOR


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Hello all,


I have been doing some thinking into the game and have thought of a few idea's that might be helpfull and make game play a bit less complicated.


First off global acount setting. in preferences a button that set's all of your character's settings the same. along with the option for key comands to be set up the same also.

I find it a real pain in the tail to have to go on each toon and set up all my choices for where i want action bars, and where i want key comands to be located. why not have a few choices to help set up new alts the same as one you already have and are usto?


next Mini map compass. I know on the minimap witch way is north, south, east, and west.

not to hard to figure out, but because the lightting from planet to planet never changes sometimes looking at the minimap and looking around don't quite add up to the feel that I might be facing north. so I think if the ring around the minimap was like a compas this would help alot, but not just adding an N,S,E,W, simble to the minimap ring, but also add the (°) number's along with the map cordinates. this would help also.


Companion character's. My companion is always in my way, when I want to target a bad guy I always find myself talking to my pet instead of clicking the baddie. could you make the pet conversation tab go away except when I am on my ship or in a rest zone? maby even make my companion stand futher away? like 3 feet or so futher away or back.


Ship's. I Like my Jedi Counceler ship, awesome ship. Sith Assassian's ship.... only complaint there is gun placement. the guns are totally in the wrong place for the size of the ship. Place the guns on the top and bottom of the ship. it would look more believable. or make the ship more narrow and leave the guns where they are.

Also ship costumes would be a neat idea. maybe even make it so you can change the inside layout also. I find my sith assassian's ship interrior highly confusing.

Could you also give player's more seats to click to sit in and in the real world also, maybe even make the bed able to have our character's sleep / lay on them. and also why do my companion's all just stand in one place on my ship? do you stand in one spot in one room and never move?


Trak IR compatiliby. using the mouse to look around, np there. how about if I could use my head in real life to look around instead? Here is 2 link's if you do not know what Trak IR is. I have this unit and I am sure alot of your gamer's do also. if you could allow us the choice to use this, I and alot of other's would be happy.






Character's gear. I can turn my head slot on or off, what about my companion's head slot? That helmet looks really stupid on my companion. I can only remove it but I haven't found an option to hide it... *sigh* Also i want my female companion's to wear the dancer's outfit... um ok she looks really stupid with this sexy outfit on and that massive belt? ok so I loose stat's on her or or keep her looking goofy with the belt on. Maby make a thin chain belt that would look alot better or maby I could choose to hide the belt?

oh wait that is not an option I have found either...


Ok for now that is all I can think of, I know there is more but I have to write them down as I remember them.


Thank you,



P.s. Please feel free people to add more idea's that you can think of as well.

Have a great day.

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