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Thanks for the month, See you all back in WOW


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I gave this game a try, but truly I learned one thing... Bioware's head is way too big and its ego is not capable of a successful mmo for years to come...


1. The simple bias of Empire from the game's creators is astonishing... From Sorc lightning not being armor reduced as the Republic counterpart Sage's spells... to the gear of Republic looking like a homeless bum to the bright vivid and exciting armors of the Empire... It was the first time I seen such a blatant developer bias in its own game... I used to think blizzard was bad, but not as much anymore!


2. Daily and Weekly PvP, 3 warzone wins a DAY?, 30 objectives in Ilum? So to gear up and play competitive PvP I would be required to stop everything else in my life and spend the entire day for a few daily quests? Not to mention the horrible bag idea and RNG that even wow has been trying to turn away from since it failed 5 years ago!


3. Orbital stations and endless load screens to get from the fleet to a planet? If you want to show off your game in this case less would have been more... Just land my ship on the planet! Don't waste my time with these docking stations to grab a ship to the planet and even more load screens and wasted time...


4. Are the speeders really 90%, 100% and 110%? Excellent design there... why not actually make them speeders perhaps 90%, 150%, 300%? Make it so a speeder well speeds!!!!


5. Huttball - Nice job on that one, can throw the ball - Awesome lets take all skill out of it and just have people stand in a line for 6 points - why make someone actually work to the goal line?, Was this warzone based for Player vs Player or Player vs Environment? Have trouble with that one since all anyone does is fire/acid pit stuns perhaps it should be so that when stunned or movement impared all "trap" dmg is reduced to 0, make someone use a small amount of skill to earn kills...


6. Medals - Awesome job again rewarding players for un-equipping / re-equipping armor and using water for 2 instant medals not to mention the MVP vote for a healer usually maxes at 4, meaning 4 extra commendation as opposed to if the healer just goes off healing once the 75k healing is achieved and do dmg for the medals it provides for Valor and even more Commendations than the few MVP votes they would get for helping...


7. There are countless more, but I save #7 to congratulate Bioware - Nice job taking the time to learn from others and produce a quality product with the trials and errors of other companies over the last 7 or so years and using these lessons to produce a superior quality product as opposed to just thinking your name from Mass Effect would carry you as you put out a steaming pile of mmo crap! At this point in mmo gaming you simply cannot create something that looks like it came from the starting design of the mmo technology... It's been far too many years for a game to be this unpolished at release... No one who helped develop this game should have a job anymore... They settled for less and they produced just that... LESS!


I hoped this game could actually de-throne wow, but this flop as a whole cannot even stand up to the failure that was Cataclysm - how could it ever compete if it couldn't even beat the worst expansion of a long running champion?


Anyways see you ALL later in Panda Bear land in a few months!

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