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Watchman stats?


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As your gear gets better, it depends.


Personally, I'm aiming to keep accuracy at just over 100%, Crit to around 30%, Surge between 80-85% and then POWER POWER POWER!


STR will help with both crit and power, but if you already have around 30% crit you're better off going with power over STR due to diminishing returns on crit values.


Currently happy with my accuracy, crit and surge so I'm stacking power like a madman from now on. I'm happy with the results so far.

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As your gear gets better, it depends.


Personally, I'm aiming to keep accuracy at just over 100%, Crit to around 30%, Surge between 80-85% and then POWER POWER POWER!


STR will help with both crit and power, but if you already have around 30% crit you're better off going with power over STR due to diminishing returns on crit values.


Currently happy with my accuracy, crit and surge so I'm stacking power like a madman from now on. I'm happy with the results so far.


what does power help with?

i always go with surge>crit>power

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Have been stacking crit/surge and rarely power. Most of crit/surge comes from enhancements and daily ones provide very nice bonuses. Power comes from mods, but there is not much in there. I was not able to find any enhancements that gave crit + power though. WOuld have been nice.


In addition, i have abt 93 % crit multiplier and abt 33 critchance. But. With patch 1.1.3 my critmult will go down to abt 75-78%, so DPS will be somewhat lower.

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Well as Watchman Crit is less essential in priority due to Zen being more or less spammable.


35% is more than enough crit really since you're going to be hitting over 40% with the raid buffs up, more if you factor inAdrenals and Relics.


I personally go for this:


Always keep in mind) Strength (I know it sounds stupid but it gives a boost to every offensive stat we would want, so always look at the Strength boost on gear)

1) Crit to 35%

2) Surge to 85% (No idea if this will still be achievable in 1.1.3)


Edited by IronFirewind
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