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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are sentinels/marauders getting fixed anytime soon?


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Every team I have faced today has been filled with at least 2 marauders and about 3 assassins.


In voidstar, it goes something like this: gate opens, jump down, get hit by multiple stuns and huge crits at the same time as being charged by the marauders and smashed for thousands of damage, dead.


Once these classes get on you, there really isn't any escaping them. Some terrible marauder made a thread the other day about how they needed a buff and didn't have enough uptime on their targets. Lol.


Charge has a stupidly short cooldown, they can choke to close the gap, they have snares. They have plenty of tools to get back in range once a ranged class blows their stun/knockback.

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Marauders/Sents have zero stuns, with the definition of stun being to disable control of your character while allowing the stunner to continue DPS unabated during the duration that you do not have control of your character.


If you have been Mezzed(the act of losing control of your character until DAMAGE has been applied to your character) then you have been awed, and now have most of your resolve bar filled.


If you are being snared, aka slowed by 30-50%, you have had a debuff applied to you such that your movement speed is reduced, but you retain complete control of your character.


If you have been immobilized, where all abilities function except for movement-related abilities, then you cannot use force leap, jet charge, guardian leap, but can still retain functionality of your character.


If you are being Force Choked, then the applicant cannot do anything during that period of time, and can be interrupted by extraneous effects or pushbacked.


IF YOU ARE GETTING TRAINED ON BY A SENTINEL AND ANOTHER CLASS and you get no support from your teammates, you deserve to die. It's called Two on One. This not COD, where 180 flick headshot, crouch hop knife throw will win you the game.


If you are getting stunned and a Sentinel is touching you in the no-no spot, it is because he is getting help from probably a Sage(ranged stun).


Sentinels cannot stun.


They have these CCs:


Leg Slash: 50% movement speed reduction. Costs focus.

Cauterize: Watchman(T2) can be reached by Focus, but really no point for Combat. Costs focus.

Force Stasis: Channeled Stun, open to interrupt and pushback, unless Focus spec-which can make it immune to pushbacks.

Awe: AoE melee range mez.

Crippling Throw: Combat(deep talent) immobilize. Costs focus.

Master Strike: Combat(deep talent) immobilize. Immobilzes the Sentinel.

Force Leap: ~2s immobilize. Can be talented to 3s with T1(Focus)

Zealous Leap: ~2s immobilize. Costs focus.

Force Exhaustion: Time sensitive movement speed reduction(31 point Focus). Costs focus.


A 20/21 tk/balance Sage has was more CCs and stuns than any Sentinel, as Sentinels who spec multiple trees are /facepalm.


Please for crying out loud, get your abilities and specs straight. Go duel people and learn their abilities. Most of you terribads stand still and expect to go toe-to-toe with a melee class. Learn to kite. I make Marauders look like helpless babies as 20/21 or my favourite anti-melee - 0/10/31 Sage.


All I ever see from Sorcs and Mercenaries is the same combat routine:


I walk up-Zealous Strike.


I leap back in.

Cryo Grenade.

My Resolve is now full.

The Merc ignores me and stand still and keeps casting Tracer Missile on another target(not me)

I don't even bother wasting my CC break, eat the 4s stun.Come out with full resolve.

Begin DPS uptime.

Merc ignores me as I apply my DoTs.

I do not apply Leg Slash.

at 50%, he notces that things might get dicey. Vent heat.

I Leg Slash.

He tries to uppercut me to knockback(but full resolve)

He is slowed hopping up and down.

He dies.


There is nothing overpowered about the Sentinel in that scenario. The victim is bad. That's all I ever see these days with all the fresh Mercenaries and Sorcs. AoE knockback and then stun. And ignore the Sentinel...Maybe you guys should afford us some gosh darn respect, and maybe immobilize us or slow us, or maybe run away from us.


Two sentinels and three assassins sounds like a stupid comp, as there is almost no aoe damage, except for the lawlz Focus Sweep, there are almost not longstanding dots to prevent caps, and the ranged damage is non-existant. The melee damage is huge, but a coordinated disruption with AoE roots and AoE slows would negate that sort of comp. If most of the sins were tank-speced then you have almost no burst, if they were all DPS, then you have no guards to protect your healers.


I duel Focus Specs all the time, and it has to be the easiest Sentinel spec to mitigate. Combat specs are a bit trickier, due to the immobilizes, but thankfully, noone plays them. Watchman specs have already been nerfed for their sustained damage and their bursts increased marginally. They are the easiest to kite but the most dangerous to casters.


Bad players are just bad...and refuse to learn.


Good sorcs, amazing snipers, and PTs make short work of Sentinels. Too bad they are just as rare as good Sentinels.

Edited by Chaosmagistrate
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