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We're being neglected until we're unplayed.


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We've pleaded, we've given examples of how every other class is better than us, they've nerfed us, they're going to nerf surge (which is really only used by us as a main secondary stat).


And what have we gotten in return? Nothing.


Every other class gets pats on the head because they make up the majority of the game, and Bioware doesn't want to risk losing a few people for a small nerf, but they don't care about us because aparently we're the minority.


The last thing i want is to make a sorc or merc, because that's not my playstyle.

If i'm guaranteed to never be nerfed, top damage, win every fight against scoundrels / operatives because of the 0 gap closers they have while i have a knockback, I might as well.


There has to be a way to get a reaction from Bioware, and none of us know how. You guys remember the last time Bioware posted in our threads before the big un-needed nerf? I certainly don't.

Edited by Doshmas
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We've pleaded, we've given examples of how every other class is better than us, they've nerfed us, they're going to nerf surge (which is really only used by us as a main secondary stat).


And what have we gotten in return? Nothing.


Every other class gets pats on the head because they make up the majority of the game, and Bioware doesn't want to risk losing a few people for a small nerf, but they don't care about us because aparently we're the minority.


The last thing i want is to make a sorc or merc, because that's not my playstyle.

If i'm guaranteed to never be nerfed, top damage, win every fight against scoundrels / operatives because of the 0 gap closers they have while i have a knockback, I might as well.


There has to be a way to get a reaction from Bioware, and none of us know how. You guys remember the last time Bioware posted in our threads before the big un-needed nerf? I certainly don't.


Amen, brother, seems almost like every operative will have to quit to get bioware to put on their reading glasses and take a look at our forums

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I dunno. I see this type of thread in nearly every class forum, with the possible exception of the BH.


Juggs complain about their tanking,

Maras complain about their DPS.

Snipers complain about their lack of mobility,

Ops complain about their nerfed burst damage,

Assassins complain about raid dps and squishyness,


Admittedly not alot of complaints about the Sorcerer, nor too much on bounty hunters.


The game is just over one month old. And, admittedly, they have ALOT to fix still, but it doesn't seem to be all that bad. There are some games that have been out for years and *COUGH* wow *COUGH* there are still massive complaints about their balancing.


As a heal-spec, I don't "Rock" PvP, but I do well in that I don't scrape the bottom, and I do a fair job of keeping someone alive through hits. I don't get alot of kills, but that's usually because I end up stunning (usually flashbang/debilitate, and cloakscreen). Running off to reset and continue healing my pocket tank. Have a little difficulty with DoTs at times, but nothing a quick turn around a corner, or a quick drop off a ledge in the midst of chaos can't help with.


Outside of pvp, I have almost no trouble healing. Granted I only group with other guild members whom I've played with over many MMOs, so we're comfortable in our roles and what we need to do in our group. The only times I've had trouble healing is when I've been very underleveled for an area.


The only thing I DON'T like is the whole concept of "dailies"... I can only do the same silly mission so many times before I give into my alt-o-holism....

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I dunno. I see this type of thread in nearly every class forum, with the possible exception of the BH.


Juggs complain about their tanking,

Maras complain about their DPS.

Snipers complain about their lack of mobility,

Ops complain about their nerfed burst damage,

Assassins complain about raid dps and squishyness,


Admittedly not alot of complaints about the Sorcerer, nor too much on bounty hunters.


The game is just over one month old. And, admittedly, they have ALOT to fix still, but it doesn't seem to be all that bad. There are some games that have been out for years and *COUGH* wow *COUGH* there are still massive complaints about their balancing.


As a heal-spec, I don't "Rock" PvP, but I do well in that I don't scrape the bottom, and I do a fair job of keeping someone alive through hits. I don't get alot of kills, but that's usually because I end up stunning (usually flashbang/debilitate, and cloakscreen). Running off to reset and continue healing my pocket tank. Have a little difficulty with DoTs at times, but nothing a quick turn around a corner, or a quick drop off a ledge in the midst of chaos can't help with.


Outside of pvp, I have almost no trouble healing. Granted I only group with other guild members whom I've played with over many MMOs, so we're comfortable in our roles and what we need to do in our group. The only times I've had trouble healing is when I've been very underleveled for an area.


The only thing I DON'T like is the whole concept of "dailies"... I can only do the same silly mission so many times before I give into my alt-o-holism....


Have you had to try and heal through the frequent bust damage during raids? If no, then you don't understand why we're at the bottom of the barrel.


Otherwise, see my sig.

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I just cancelled and voiced my opinion about Operatives being un-played, un-wanted and basically un-cared for.


They won't care about my $15 bucks a month, but at least I gave them my opinion.


I feel good, at least there are only 3 days remaining on the sub.

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Otherwise, see my sig.


I don't check the other class forums, but if I had to hazard a guess, those forums might get more responses because the posters there don't act like children throwing a tantrum.


Every other thread here sounds like it was written by a 3 year old, and most of the others devolve into personal insults towards the developers within the first paragraph.


That's never how you get any kind of response.

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All these complaints were made in beta and now in live.


You know why the other classes generally have less complaints? Because their classes actually work as described not continually get slapped with the nerf bat with no fixes for broken talents nor any improvements in certain areas at all.


There is a real good reason why people are getting mighty vocal about the state of Ops and that's because they out right ignore us.

Edited by fixit
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There is a real good reason why people are getting mighty vocal about the state of Ops and that's because they out right ignore us.


The perception that people are getting vocal about Operatives is confirmation bias...


What you're really experiencing is an echo effect...


The few of us playing Operatives shouting into a cave to no avail while the environmentalists picket us from behind because we might upset the "balance" of the ecosystem. :rolleyes:

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I don't check the other class forums, but if I had to hazard a guess, those forums might get more responses because the posters there don't act like children throwing a tantrum.


Every other thread here sounds like it was written by a 3 year old, and most of the others devolve into personal insults towards the developers within the first paragraph.


That's never how you get any kind of response.


Ah yes. Whining is unique only to our class. Your logic is impeccable! It obviously is something about the class that draws in people who like to whine and complain. Nothing to do with class mechanics or issues at all!

Edited by ironix
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Admittedly not alot of complaints about the Sorcerer, nor too much on bounty hunters.


They complain too. Sorcs/Sages are upset that lightning/tk isn't very good. Mercenaries/commandos complain about not having an interrupt and being super immobile... as well as how Seer/Corruption gets leagues better AoE heals than them while having almost the same single target healing. Powertechs/Vanguards complain about AP/Tactics doing bad damage.


(which is really only used by us as a main secondary stat)

Quite a few specs prioritize surge pretty highly...

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I agree to some point.


it's kinda boring to always see your class get the nerf bat.

Let's see ive played 2 ops 1 is 50 the other is almsot 40. My 50 is healer got the enrf bat but meh wasnt so bad then got the biochem nerf (he's biochem was pissed a bit). Then 1 more nerf again on biochem and 1 again on the Ops.


Not counting the biochem, we got nerfed twice, i check every release patch note and see every class get their talent tree getting worked around to give them a bit more ps or thsi or that but the only class that you don't see much , that no one is interested playing keep getting nerfs for the pvper crying. I wouldnt been nerfed if they were at least changing a couple things, they put our burst dmg down but our sustain dmg isn't great.


Their nerf on cocnealement tree wasnt so bad, my almsot 40 rgoue type ops doesnt much difference from when i played the healer.


I think we just need asome love a bit.


Nerf make you try different things, there is always new ways to check out.

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I don't check the other class forums, but if I had to hazard a guess, those forums might get more responses because the posters there don't act like children throwing a tantrum.


Way to make assumptions about something you preface by saying you know nothing about.


Most Dev answers come from tantrums. They come from drama queens and trolls spreading misinformation and whipping the crowd into such a frenzy that they can no longer be ignored.


"Au contrare!" you might say "I can see the Dev Tracker, and they've been responding to intelligent posts."


Sure, some of the time, and they're starting to focus more on it recently, if only to say "Thanks for not being a troll, here's your yellow."


But the truth of it is that this class is being ignored - just like it evidently did in pre-release development - and the effects are starting to show.


We perform below expectations in both roles available to us compared to other classes. In PvE there is literally no reason to play an Operative (nor any reason a group would bring one except for charity; we're a liability not an asset). PvP much be just as dire given that very few cry nerf any longer. If the Devs don't start paying attention, this class will die out, save only the hardest of the core who rather latch themselves to a subpar class as a statement.

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