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PvE DoTs after combat and hopping on your speeder. Crazy Annoying.


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I've always been peeved with the inability to use your class regen skill (out of combat heal up), when you have lingering DoTs applied from the now-dead-npcs. Now last night I ran into another reason to hate lingering DoTs from dead npcs ... trying to mount your speeder :eek:




















Suggestion: if you kill the thing(s) that put a DoT on you, and you are now 'out of combat'... have the DoT NOT do any insta-annoying-interrupts? PvE only mind you... PvP zones should keep dots as they are! Dont wanna stir up those pvp people. The lingering out-of-combat DoT interrupts in PvE serve no purpose but to annoy the plick out the player.


Thank you.

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You obviously don't play a stealth class or you would be ranting about something much worse. When you use your long cooldown in-combat vanish with a DOT, the ticks put you back into combat. But it's weird. You stay in combat with the NPC but said NPC doesn't seem to know it so it won't reset from distance like it normally would until you walk very very slowly for miles.


Companions also bork vanish.

Edited by Department
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You obviously don't play a stealth class or you would be ranting about something much worse. When you use your long cooldown in-combat vanish with a DOT, the ticks put you back into combat. But it's weird. You stay in combat with the NPC but said NPC doesn't seem to know it so it won't reset from distance like it normally would until you walk very very slowly for miles.


Companions also bork vanish.

You're absolutely right, i don't play a stealth class. Hopefully you've submitted reports on that bug.
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No, I have not started up any stealth classes yet. Sounds like a real mess. :(


An alternative would be for the out-of-combat heal to clear out any remaining dots/debuffs.


Well this would be the most logical and useful fix all around. Maybe you should make a new thread suggesting that! :) I like that idea. PvE DoTs only mind you ;) Some de-buffs are meant to last 10 minutes.


I got interrupted once by a lingering DoT just trying to loot a crate after I killed all the NPC's guarding it. *sigh*

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