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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

selective warzones


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Bioware, please for the love of any sort of gods allow us to choose warzones its utterly destroying my enjoyment of the game being forced into huttball 10 - 20 times before I get a different map and I am being forced to drop every single time as I hate it more than anything now after so long of it.


I and others really do not mind a long wait, its endlessley better than spending 2 hours loading and quitting matches (which results in graphical issues as the mapp falls away showing nar shadarr below it) after about 10 drops.


I used to really enjoy huttball but now you have forced me to play it so much I am going insance and dont want to even play as all I want to do is pvp now for my last 2 levels as I completed class quest at lv46


there is utterly no reason why we cant choose, we know there will be a potentially long wait, let those who like it play it and those who dont choose something else.

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Bioware, please for the love of any sort of gods allow us to choose warzones its utterly destroying my enjoyment of the game being forced into huttball 10 - 20 times before I get a different map and I am being forced to drop every single time as I hate it more than anything now after so long of it.


I and others really do not mind a long wait, its endlessley better than spending 2 hours loading and quitting matches (which results in graphical issues as the mapp falls away showing nar shadarr below it) after about 10 drops.


I used to really enjoy huttball but now you have forced me to play it so much I am going insance and dont want to even play as all I want to do is pvp now for my last 2 levels as I completed class quest at lv46


there is utterly no reason why we cant choose, we know there will be a potentially long wait, let those who like it play it and those who dont choose something else.


Old news. Everyone has complained of this since beta.

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1.2 notes say they are deliberately not adding this to the game at the moment.


their reasoning is purely because there are server imbalances, and I just do not care. If I have to wait 30 minutes - and hour its fine, I am sick of being forced to keep queining, joining, quitting just to see what warzone it is.. at least make the pop up say what warzone its going to be so I dont have to join it and can requeue till I get the right one.

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