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Mature, Fun, Casual, Older Crowd Guild looking for More


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I am posting this here for anyone who may not be searching for our type of guild in our server group forums. Since we don't have a general recruiting forum I don't really know where to put this other then here.


We have created a guild on The Constant server that is somewhat unique in the fact that we probably have an average combined age of about 37. We started as a group of rerolls that found each other on the forums when we were all looking for the same type of guild. We have now grown to about 70 members (120 if you count all the alts...lol) and average about 15-20 people on in the evenings. We are very social and everyone is of varying levels so there is likely to always be someone your level whether you're level 50 or just starting out.


Here is our guild info for you to check out if we sound like a good fit for you. There is an application on our website which is required for an invite to the guild.




Guild Info:

•Founded: January 11th, 2012

•Founding Members: Tantric / Winloch

•Server: The Constant [PvE - East Coast]




The 'Drunken Empire' was established to fill a need for a casual, mature, easy going and fun Guild where family/friends and real life come first and the game second... In searching for this type of Guild in SWTOR there seemed to be many players looking for this type of group, however most were spread across different servers. After a few posts on the SWTOR Forums we realized the best path to find this type of group - was to create one...


See the thread that started it all here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162996




About Us:

We are a mature adult oriented guild looking to enjoy the in-game experience but not at the expense of our real lives. The hours each member is able to play may vary and we would never have anytype of play time requirement. We are aware that this game is not the most important thing in your life (even though it is very fun)


End game and level progression is not everything. We enjoy the story, the leveling process, questing, flashpoints and genrally being able to have soneone online to help out with or just chat with while you are playing the game.




Type of Players we look for:


•Casual players where real life comes first

•Friendly and laid-back attitude

•Enjoys grouping for Quests, Flashpoints, and maybe even eventually Operations/RAIDs

•Someone who does not get upset if we get lose a flashpoint, thats part of the fun, trying again

•Mature - 21yr +

•Selfless players that are willing to help less experienced players

•Willing to endure some coarse language and the occasional crude joke

•Loyalty (Join us because this is the type of guild you want to be in not because you just want people to help you level to 50 so you can find a raiding guild)


Type of Players we DO NOT look for:

•'Hardcore' gamers

•If you are looking for set weekly Operations/RAIDs then we are probably not for you

•Drama Queens or Elitists



If you think you may be interested in joining us you can PM us with any questions either here on these forums or in game. Look for Tantric. Tantrik or Winloch. We have an application on our website that is required before being accepted into the guild. This is to ensure us as well as you will be the best possible fit for each other.We look forward to hearing from you!

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