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Assault Specialist Talent Tree End Ideas


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We all know that the 30 point talent Assault Plastique is basically ridiculous as a main talent for the AS tree. It does just a little more damage than a sticky grenade and shares a cooldown with it. Also, it doesn't do AOE damage. Its not worth speccing into, the talents would be much better spent elsewhere.



So, lets get some ideas.


Here are some of mine


Tech Cloak


Were supposed to be assault specialized. Give us tech cloaking that we can use out of combat - but lasts through our damage. 5 Seconds duration, instant cast time, 3 ammo. 2 minutes 30 sec cooldown. Not too long that it becomes a major cooldown..as it is only really useful for taking somebody down easier by getting IR/SG/PG/HIB off on them before they can see you or effectively target you, allowing time for you to LOS or kite them. Its not OP in that its not major damage, its cooldown isn't too frequent, its only 5 seconds, and requires you to be out combat to engage it. It breaks on any damage, or only breaks on incapacitating effects (3:30 sec cooldown then)


Plastique Hi-Explosive


Puts a plastic explosive on the ground that is not destructible. Enemy commandos in assault spec can disable it. 1.5 sec cast time, 1 ammo. Explodes after 8 sec, dealing 42-50k damage to all enemies within a 10m radius, 20k between 10 and 15m radius. Knocks down all enemies and ignites them for 3 sec, randomly leaving either a DOT that does additional 1400 damage over 3 seconds to those within the 10m radius and 700 damage to those between 10 and 15m, OR a "Tremoring Nerves" debuff that leaves all classes within a 10m radius unable to stealth for 5 seconds and all classes within a 10-15m radius unable to stealth for 2 seconds. 5 Minute cooldown. This could be a very powerful but situational use ability. Cannot be placed on the ground. The random generator is applied to each enemy individually. The explosive emits a warning flash and sound during the last 4 seconds of its countdown timer. Due to the dangers of misuse the galactic republic has enforced this timer, and the sith..well they just want you to know before your going to die :p. Talent "Tamper Sonic Emitter" instead of "Burnout", 3 ranks. First rank reduces the time on the sonic emitter by 1 second, second rank by 2 seconds, and the third rank by 3.5 seconds.


Assault Plastique


Same ability, but on its own cooldown timer, and adds a burning effect debuff that does an additional 25% of the total damage it did over 9 seconds.


what do you guys think?


add ideas

Edited by nitaant
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Interesting ideas but sadly the second one will never happen. To easy to be considered op.


My personal idea is to have it deal dot for maybe like 5s doing moderate damage and then exploding for a good amount of damage.


The assault tree is meant to have damage over time with plasma cell, this would go a long that same idea.


Either way the spell is pathetic in its current state

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Interesting ideas but sadly the second one will never happen. To easy to be considered op.



The situational use of it, non-ground placement requirements, 8 second countdown timer and 4 second warning timer, and 5 minute cooldown make it quite far from OP, IMO. And, it can be disabled. Some class needs to have a kind of situational group pressure OP thing, imo. Why not commando, since our tree is ****ed? Wow has bloodlust, time warp, ancient hysteria, etc, without talenting for them. Would make the game quite versatile IMO.


Situational OP, which is perhaps a good idea for this kind of thing and this tree imo.

Edited by nitaant
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