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Juggernaut - Just how "easy" is it compared to Marauder? WoW warrior?


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I understand what you're saying, and I do think you have a point. The only reason I used WoW as the point of reference is that so many people have played it. I would even guess that most people playing this game have played WoW at some point or other. I was a little worried about framing it this way because some people treat it like a dirty word, but analogies like this are useful for drawing a quick and dirty sketch of something. Using a game that most people have played as a point of reference means that we immediately can draw upon similar shared past experiences to come to a quick understanding, without spending a lot of time on drawn-out descriptions and definitions.


Sure, I've played a lot of different MMOs, too. I mean, I'd also like to play something that felt like Ninja in FFXI, but hardly anyone has ever played that game, so no one would know what I'm talking about.....and I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist in any other game, anyhow. I could say that I'd like to play something that feels a bit like a 2H guardian, but not very many people have played LoTRO. Besides, it seems pretty obvious that juggernaut fits that bill better than marauder would, anyhow. :]


At any rate, there is clearly some room for analogy here. I've seen a lot of people say here and elsewhere that marauder feels somewhat like a combat rogue. Obviously, this is a different game with different classes, but an analogy like that is enough to convey at least some small sense of what it feels like to play a marauder....to someone who's played a combat rogue, at least. :p




Anyhow, I think the main thing I was worried about was that I would veer away from marauder, which I was interested in because people say it's "challenging", only to find out that juggernaut is as boring to me as prot paladin was (due to the 3 ability strict rotation playstyle it had for a long time).


Hey man! I dont think you will get satisfied by asking on the forums about this. Ive got both a warrior and a rogue at my "old pusher" =) And I still find it difficult to describe Marauder... Its like playing a fury warrior that attacks like an arms-warrior - Charging into the fray with force-charge (wich is f*cking awesome btw =) ...while wearing leather and no shield, but u get a few pretty powerful defensive cd´s to keep u alive (just like the rogue in wow) but altoh Marauders has some pretty good burst-damage, its nothing like the assasin or the IA (both AC´s). Youre going to be "leather-wrapped-high-pressure-damage. But just like the warrior in wow, when u start going ur GOING! No OOM, just more rage and fury , all the time!


As far as rotations go (imo) the Marauder doesnt has a fixed rotation, but feels more like a frost-dk, or maybe enhancement-shamy with a "priority-system" of usage of abilities.


Thats the best I can do, and Im an old nerd =)


My advice for u is - TRY IT!!!!!! Personally I love it!! The skillcap is probably higher on Marauder due to the many situational attacks and proc-abilities that u have to keep an eye out for, while making wow-rogue-fast decisions on burning cd´s without the luxuary of stealth.... And meele is harder than ranged (imo) also.


But as I said above, try it. If it klicks with ur personality ur gonna LOVE IT!!! =)

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I understand what you're saying, and I do think you have a point. The only reason I used WoW as the point of reference is that so many people have played it. I would even guess that most people playing this game have played WoW at some point or other. I was a little worried about framing it this way because some people treat it like a dirty word, but analogies like this are useful for drawing a quick and dirty sketch of something. Using a game that most people have played as a point of reference means that we immediately can draw upon similar shared past experiences to come to a quick understanding, without spending a lot of time on drawn-out descriptions and definitions.


Sure, I've played a lot of different MMOs, too. I mean, I'd also like to play something that felt like Ninja in FFXI, but hardly anyone has ever played that game, so no one would know what I'm talking about.....and I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist in any other game, anyhow. I could say that I'd like to play something that feels a bit like a 2H guardian, but not very many people have played LoTRO. Besides, it seems pretty obvious that juggernaut fits that bill better than marauder would, anyhow. :]


At any rate, there is clearly some room for analogy here. I've seen a lot of people say here and elsewhere that marauder feels somewhat like a combat rogue. Obviously, this is a different game with different classes, but an analogy like that is enough to convey at least some small sense of what it feels like to play a marauder....to someone who's played a combat rogue, at least. :p




Anyhow, I think the main thing I was worried about was that I would veer away from marauder, which I was interested in because people say it's "challenging", only to find out that juggernaut is as boring to me as prot paladin was (due to the 3 ability strict rotation playstyle it had for a long time).


Hey man! I dont think you will get satisfied by asking on the forums about this. Ive got both a warrior and a rogue at my "old pusher" =) And I still find it difficult to describe Marauder... Its like playing a fury warrior that attacks like an arms-warrior - Charging into the fray with force-charge (wich is f*cking awesome btw =) ...while wearing leather and no shield, but u get a few pretty powerful defensive cd´s to keep u alive (just like the rogue in wow) but altoh Marauders has some pretty good burst-damage, its nothing like the assasin or the IA (both AC´s). Youre going to be "leather-wrapped-high-pressure-damage. But just like the warrior in wow, when u start going ur GOING! No OOM, just more rage and fury , all the time!


As far as rotations go (imo) the Marauder doesnt has a fixed rotation, but feels more like a frost-dk, or maybe enhancement-shamy with a "priority-system" of usage of abilities.


Thats the best I can do, and Im an old nerd =)


My advice for u is - TRY IT!!!!!! Personally I love it!! The skillcap is probably higher on Marauder due to the many situational attacks and proc-abilities that u have to keep an eye out for, while making wow-rogue-fast decisions on burning cd´s without the luxuary of stealth.... And meele is harder than ranged (imo) also.


But as I said above, try it. If it klicks with ur personality ur gonna LOVE IT!!! =)

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