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Maybe We've Been asking the Wrong questions


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Maybe instead of asking how Bioware is going to fix us, we should ask for their vision for the class.


What is our intended Healing niche? Where the BH is the tank healer, the Sorc the Raid Healer, where do we fit in?


How is Concealment supposed to have that other DPS don't? If all we're supposed to bring is sustained DMG we should definitely do a lot more.


What is the purpose of the Lethality spec outside of some fun Hybrid/PvP specs?


I'd at least like to know where this ship is sailing, and I don't think that's too much to ask.


Why should an operation want to bring an Operative over the other classes?

Edited by Sprigum
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Maybe instead of asking how Bioware is going to fix us, we should ask for their vision for the class.


What is our intended Healing niche? Where the BH is the tank healer, the Sorc the Raid Healer, where do we fit in?


How is Concealment supposed to have that other DPS don't? If all we're supposed to bring is sustained DMG we should definitely do a lot more.


What is the purpose of the Lethality spec outside of some fun Hybrid/PvP specs?


I'd at least like to know where this ship is sailing, and I don't think that's too much to ask.


Why should an operation want to bring an Operative over the other classes?


They have made it very clear they want nothing to do with us.


We are such the minority and for fear of making even a small portion of the sorcs mad because they got killed by the stealth class they almost never see in pvp they just removed us from the game and continue to ignore us.

We arnt good dps classes. So many mechanics, melee requiring being behind the target we are in fact the worst damage class in the game.


Our healing is worst in the game. Our lethality tree is nonexistent. It is beyond broken, it is not fair to leave it in the game as it wastes the money of the operative who will INEVITABLY HAVE! to respec out of it.

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