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Juggernaut. Tanking stat advice needed.


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When I was around level 35, I respect into the tanking tree. I found I enjoyed being a tank much more. Now I'm 43 I want to get the best gear and stats I can but I'm confused on an issue.


I've read I should get 100%+ accuracy. But how do I do this? None of my mods etc are accuracy, they are all endurance or strength. If I replace out these states for accuracy won't I be a poorer tank?


Secondly, which is the best stat for a tank. I poured all my resources into this method of thinking:


Endurance and a mixture of shield rating, absorption rating and defence rating. All of those 3 confuse me as the best one to stick to. I do have alot of strength mods but endurance will always be highest. As a level 43 my stats are here.


I just need some pointing in the right direction. Just to know which stat I should truly focus on as it's embarrassing when you team up with someone who is also a tank and get a 10 minute rant by them how my equipment isnt good enough etc.

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You want 100%+ Accuracy (Aim for 110%).


100% Accuracy make all your attacks hit, but they can still be blocked/parried/dodged. Having over 100% reduces your opponents blocked/parried/dodged, NPC's rates are normally around 5%, so 110% Acc should be more than enough to completely stop them from blocking/parring/dodging.


Next you want both Shield Chance/Absorb around 30-40% (the usable cap is 38% I think) and you want to keep them almost the exact same numbers, _ to be honest I don't know why they need to be the same, only that it works better.


Then throw the rest in defense rating (which is your chance to block/parry/dodge).

Edited by AngelousWang
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