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[PvE]Hardmode FP observations from a Pyro.


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My name is Luther and I am a recent convert to the cult of fire. My guild is a small one, who is not yet running ops, so what follows in this post are my observations playing as a Pyro, in 4 man hard-mode content. Hopefully this post will be informational to those who are in a similar situation and are considering trying the Pyro tree out.


First off, the build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000cZMckZcGrbzGhrs.1

Profession: Bio-Chem (crit adrenal, reflex stim, med-pack)

Rotation is IM>TD>RS>Unload>RS>PS>RS (assuming PPA procs) if not RS filler then reset to back to IM and then repeat. This rotation ensures stable heat which is important since I skipped out on Improved Vents for 3/3 Hired Muscle


I concur with the opinion that Pyro-tech does not do as much damage as Arsenal.

I also agree that the 20% armor de-buff that Arsenal provides is too good of a raid buff to pass up.


But we're not raiding and larger numbers are not necessarily a good thing.


My guild's static 4 man group is a Sith Jug, a Sith Inquis, an Imp Sniper and me.

As of this writing we are moderately, and more or less, evenly geared. (lvl 49/50 items, purples in slot, 126 rating or better, 2/5 tier. Gault is 3/5 but lets not go there...


Observations on DPS and how it pertains to my group.


My tank has a low-end machine. Tracer animation was affecting his ability response time on the UI. This made him do overall lower DPS and lower threat generation, as well as impacting his survivability. This impacted my healer as she had to work harder to maintain him, additionally as Arsenal I was constantly ripping threat off of him forcing her to heal me as well.


By switching to Pyro-tech I no longer pull off of him at all. His response time has greatly improved and now takes such little damage that the healer is bored 3/4 of the instance

We believe this to be in-part on account of the animations, and in-part on account of the steady damage i do now.


Observations on my perceived advantages in Flashpoints.


Boarding Party: As Arsenal with the same group in the same gear, we could not clear this Flashpoint. Commander Jarvis would enrage and wipe the floor with us. As Pyro I was able to keep Massey dotted up while my Sniper focused him down. This allowed me to direct my full attention to the Medic, which the Sniper then switched to, once Massey was a burning corpse on the ground.


Foundry: HK-47 now routinely ends his day as a burning pile of metal on the right side of the arena. Fun fact, when he is inside the core he continues to burn. As for the Revan fight, I now no longer lose DPS while being master-striked or pushed and phase 3 was trivial for me as I never needed to stop moving.


False Emperor: HK-47 was a constant annoyance as Arsenal thanks to the minimum range on DFA, and the utter uselessness of Sweeping Blasters. As Pyro his assassinate mechanic is trivial, he stuns and proceeds to hit them for less then who cares, where before it was a one-shot on us. Dots continue to tick while he is stealthed and a TD crit will flat out rip him out of it all together. Malgus is even more of a tank and spank then he was previously as he continues to burn during the stun and transition phases.


As for The Battle of Illum and Kaon Undersiege I perceived no noticable Pyro-Tech advantage. Directive 7 I dunno, The Interrogator won't stop glitching on us.


Arsenal vs. Pyro-Tech (At 30% and below)

Activate Crit Adrenal, after 15 seconds activate Crit/Surge relic and enjoy 35 seconds of 55% 90% surge on your dots combined with Burnouts 30% damage bonus. Arsenal may have the bigger numbers, but they can't match Pyro-Tech's damage done below 30.


tl;dr I'm sorry. I should have expressed these thoughts in the form of a Haiku or colorful pictures.


Apologies in advance for grammar and or structure.


Thanks for reading.


-Luther (Tarro-blood)

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