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[VIDEO] Sentinel Solo PvP | Battlemaster


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Moldran 2 - Sentinel PvP SWTOR


This video is a R62 Sentinel Combat Spec PvP Movie, most clips were frapsed in warzones.

Mostly 1v2, 1v3 and a few 1v1 fights. Two fights as watchman spec for a change. Server Tomb of Freedon Nadd, Europe.


- fast clips to show how to execute a proper cooldown rotation as sentinel vs different classes

- several longer clips against multiple opponents


Any questions please on youtube or in this thread, do not PM me personally so everyone gets to see the Q & A.


Enjoy watching!

Edited by Moldrany
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Good movie, would like to see more watchman spec action. Or focus.


When I tried watchman, my dots got dispelled in most fights and it felt annoying not to have anything like UA (warlocks in WoW if you played that game) to protect them.


I also find it easier to stick on targets as combat due to force camouflage breaking all CC and crippling throw locking targets down.


Combat is the spec I enjoy the most!

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What's your main rotation as Combat?


Haven't tried the tree yet, and it's a bit hard to tell with the video movin' along.


For combat in PvP there is no rotation, it is way too complex and it's bad to have a fix rotation, as the use of every single ability depends on many different things in PvP. But basically, it is like this:


zealous strike - blade rush - blade storm - get focus - blade rush - precision slash - blade storm - dispatch


In PvE the rotation would be entirely different, but in PvP you have to consider that you won't have a 100 % uptime on your target. Therefore you can't hope for a full duration precision slash, sometimes you only get 1 or 2 abilities off during it and blade storm should be at least one of them.

I use force stasis as defensive CD (or in hutt ball on people who stand in fire), it is very nice if you just defeated someone and then there is another opponent left.

Or as you can see in the video, sometimes I use it so opponents can't run away/kite when they are low, and finish them off with dispatch directly after.


Pacify is the CD I use in many 1v1 situations, as it is often enough. Rebuke and especially Saber Ward are my bigger cooldowns that I save for big groups of enemies. But make sure you use all your defensive CDs early (when you are 90-100 %) and not as a last resort to get most out of it. Saber Ward won't help you much if an opponent used his main burst and got you to 10 % already. You need to learn to predict the burst and incoming damage and respond to it quickly.

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Nice video. It's good to see that it is possible to at least go against multiple players and not get squished like a bug. Not knocking your skill or the awesomeness of the video, but it did seem like many of the players you battled had their CC abilities on CD or had an aversion to using them against you.


Still, very nice job. i particularly like the use of Transcendence in conjunction with Force Camo for quick escapes. I will have to start using that.


I have 2 questions stemming from your videos.


First, what is your spec? I saw in your first video that you stated you were 3/35/3. Is that still true in your later video? What talents specifically do you take? It seems you chose Displacement for having an immobilizing effect with Crippling Throw as well as Fleetfooted for Force Camo. What other skills did you choose and why?


Second, I noticed a few times in the video that you use Precision Slash soon followed by Master Strike (or used Crippling Throw to immobilize and then Master Strike). I tend to reserved Precision Slash solely for use with Blade Storm (with crit from Combat Trace). Despite the lack of a combat log, are you noticing an increase in damage from using Precision Slash with Master Strike over using it with Blade Storm?

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For combat in PvP there is no rotation, it is way too complex and it's bad to have a fix rotation, as the use of every single ability depends on many different things in PvP. But basically, it is like this:


zealous strike - blade rush - blade storm - get focus - blade rush - precision slash - blade storm - dispatch


I'd recommend:


force leap - zealous strike - blade rush - precision slash - blade storm - masterstrike


If all goes well you'll proc trance or ataru.. can't remember the name (from precision slash due to the blade rush buff), blade storm hits like a beast between the buff and precision slash's effects, and masterstrike does decent DPS.


My 2 cents as a lvl 47 Sentinel.

Edited by RomanoDJr
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Still, very nice job. i particularly like the use of Transcendence in conjunction with Force Camo for quick escapes. I will have to start using that.


I have 2 questions stemming from your videos.


First, what is your spec? I saw in your first video that you stated you were 3/35/3. Is that still true in your later video? What talents specifically do you take? It seems you chose Displacement for having an immobilizing effect with Crippling Throw as well as Fleetfooted for Force Camo. What other skills did you choose and why?


Second, I noticed a few times in the video that you use Precision Slash soon followed by Master Strike (or used Crippling Throw to immobilize and then Master Strike). I tend to reserved Precision Slash solely for use with Blade Storm (with crit from Combat Trace). Despite the lack of a combat log, are you noticing an increase in damage from using Precision Slash with Master Strike over using it with Blade Storm?


ad 1) I slightly adapted the spec and put one point into the rebuke talent. I like it a lot so might add another point to it later (probably taking it from focus tree again). Exact spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZuGrbddrRrsZ0M.1

The spec is a pure PvP spec, I don't think you can do much different or better for combat PvP.


ad 2) Master strike hits like a truck with precision slash up. The use of master strike must be done very carefully tho, as sometimes it could lock you in place with a sorc being far away from you (if he uses sprint same time as you use master strike). Then you finish the animation for 3 sec but don't do any damage with it.

This is just a lot of trial & error, to get to know when to use master strike and when not.

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Exact spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZuGrbddrRrsZ0M.1

The spec is a pure PvP spec, I don't think you can do much different or better for combat PvP.


ad 2) Master strike hits like a truck with precision slash up. The use of master strike must be done very carefully tho, as sometimes it could lock you in place with a sorc being far away from you (if he uses sprint same time as you use master strike). Then you finish the animation for 3 sec but don't do any damage with it.


I will have to try Master Strike with Precision Slash up as well.


However, in your given spec, I noticed you placed 2 points into Debilitation (Master Strike has 100% to immobilize the target for the duration of the ability). Then you stated in the answer to the second question that against some players, namely Sorcerers, that the ability could be finished with the enemy player out of range. Either Debilitation is bugged and not doing its job properly or the ability does not function in PVP and thus is working as intended. Sadly I believe it is the latter.


Just saying, as an attempt to help streamline fellow Sentinels, I do not see a reason to place 2 points into Debilitation.

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Or they use their CC breaker to get out of the root..


I have encountered a few times someone with a full resolve bar will some times be rooted or not be rooted, seemingly randomly.


Generally though, the Master Strike root works.

Edited by Absit
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