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Enough of gloomy threads !


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Let's try to do something positive ! Something creative !


I had an idea for a contest (of course, a fan one)


Invent your own flashpoint. With it's own backstory, events, conclusion, and ethical dramas.


The winner could, I don't know, get his flashpoint ''made'' (obviously, as a fan project).


Note : I'm very willing to take any suggestion for a community project. Any, any, any suggestion. Anything that would make people that love the game and it's setting talk about it on front page instead of hate-filled posts.

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I would make a flashpoint that both empire and republic factions can do but the story would focus on the temptations of the opposite side.


In the end they make a light side or dark side choice, effecting their light/dark meter and perhaps leading to a side quest-series depending on choice. It could end with a moddable or other faction specific loot. More work and elaboration would mean more possible rewards and ideas thrown in.


I would have to decide how exactly agents, bounty hunters, smugglers and troopers would fit into the story.

Edited by Aisar
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I would make a flashpoint that both empire and republic factions can do but the story would focus on the temptations of the opposite side.


In the end they make a light side or dark side choice, effecting their light/dark meter and perhaps leading to a side quest-series depending on choice. It could end with a moddable or other faction specific loot. More work and elaboration would mean more possible rewards and ideas thrown in.


I would have to decide how exactly agents, bounty hunters, smugglers and troopers would fit into the story.


I like this Idea I would love to wear guardian gear on my juggernaut would be awesome. I would like my assassin to be able to wear consular gear you know white and pretty instead of mecha ninja dress. I would spend forever in a fp that let me have other factions cosmetic gear. and it seems perfectly doable as these gear pieces just denote armor type not class specific.

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