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Boycott your local Gamestop and cite this launch. ;)


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I boycotted them years ago. My GF still shops at our local GS though. 'I want to keep money in the local economy'. She's such a hippy. :p


Of course, what does she get for being so nice? Well, it took GS two months to send her a pre-order code. Looks like she'll finally be able to get in tomorrow. Maybe this will finally get her to stop shopping there!


Lol keep dreaming.


I gave up on game stop a long time ago because it took them forever to get a game into the cheap rack unlike other places.

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Really seems like it all depends on the employee. Some are idiots, and some know what's up. I pre-ordered, and asked about the code when I did so. They told me I should get an e-mail with it (an e-mail address that I provided GameStop with).


I waited a couple days, and got nothing, so I went back in to cancel my pre-order. At that point, I was told that I could get a code if I went to another location. Pissed me off, but I got my code.

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how? the first day of pre-orders was 7/21


did you get a preorder from a chinese bootlegger or something?


I'm thinking Gamestop lets you preorder stuff before they have actual ship dates. I assume Gamestop didn't send codes to those who preordered before codes were available.

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Im still constantly amazed at how many gamers foolishly pre order anything other than console games from Gamestop. Gamestop is the worst place in the world to pre order a PC game unless your one of the very few that live in a tiny town that has a gamestop that works in mostly PC. Those are a rare breed.


I did live in a small town until 2 months ago and Gamestop was about the only way to get same day releases. Now that I'm in a large city, I should be picky-ier it seems.


Skyrim midnight release was pretty cool tho. :cool:

Edited by fordfanboi
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