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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bonus wave!!!!


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See, stuff like this I love.


Sure, a handful of self entitled *****s demanding a bonus wave, but the majority of you just want a bonus wave to increase your chances of getting in.


Good luck, guys. Hope you get your bonus wave.

Edited by Yuuj
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I left pre-order till the last minute, as I was not sure we could access in Australia. Put since no ip block ordered late, so hopefully get in in next day or so. But at same time it's my fault for not ordering sooner...:wea_03:
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Nobody knows how many people pre-ordered after the 5th. They did it by population numbers, not by dates.


I'm just going to throw this out there, you guys really should have pre-ordered earlier. Not trolling, or anything. I'm just being honest.


They obviously rewarded the faithful, early pre-orders for being exactly that, "faithful," if you procrastinated, or maybe were on the fence for a while and werent sure if you were playing, you paid the price. They arent punishing you, they are just rewarding everyone else.


The way they were doing this has been advertised since day one. IF you were even remotely interested you would have known all of this. This game has been in developement for a very long time, I have been following it since around the launch of AoC. I wasn't sure about playing, so I chose not to pre-order. It wasn't until i got a beta invite that I decided I wanted to play this game. I ordered on Nov 25th, and luckily, I may get in when I get home from work tonight.


But if I didn't get in until, say tommorow, I would not be in here throwing a tantrum like this. The servers are already queue'd, if they let all of you in, you would only be hurting the situation. Just deal with the fact that you were a little late on pulling the trigger, and next time a MMO launches commit yourself to reading the fine print. :)


"Never tell me the odds!" ~Han Solo

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