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TOR Junkie Episode 6 : Richie Branson is da Man : Listen to win 2 months of game time


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EPISODE 6 : Tristin, Angel, and Dustin enjoy a drink or two while discussing news about everybody’s favorite MMO. News discussed this week include the recent patches, ability delays, Richie Branson’s lyrical wizardry, that other games continued player loss, and this weeks developer Question and Answer blog. Next up the boys complain about companion pop ups and tips on how to get the plus 10 to all stats Datacron. You can find helpful guides on YouTube for both the Republic and Empire ones.


The boys read your emails and we learn Dustin is a uptight Grammar Nazi that can’t read very well, but we still love him. Big thank you to everyone who sent in emails, please keep them coming. This months contest is launched and we close the show out with a song from the one and only Richie Branson. During the show Tristin and Angel get in a fight over social gear. After some running around in game after the show it turns out both boys are half right and half wrong, tune in next week to hear all the juicy details.


EPISODE 5 : Tristin, Angel, and Dustin are joined this week by Kris to discuss the game and give away two free months of game time. The gang countdowns the top news of the week. Topics include the Friday night downtime, performance updates, developer play schedule, same sex relationships in game, the first guild summit in Austin, and subscriber numbers. Next up a great idea is discussed to fix the horrible Ninja Nerf to grouping that came out last week. You know that one which makes playing with friends or helping out lower level guild members impossible. After that we discuss why skipping planets is not the best idea overall.


Lots of emails flooded our box this last week and we respond to a few of them on the show. Can I just ask, why all the hate? Today we announce the winner of 2 free months of game play time. Tristin butchers the name of the winner but the prize is on the way to it’s way as we speak. Listen to find out if you won, and return next week for details on our next giveaway.


EPISODE 4 : Tristin, Angel and Dustin get to together over cocktails to discuss the game. After a long winded conversation about Empire Vs Republic and which is better, we go on to count down the top 5 news stories of the week. News about the patch, ability delays, performance issues, and ship droid changes are all discussed. We also take about the dualshockers.com interview with BioWare’s Cory Butler and the Future of the game. We are all jealous of the new Rift App for mobile phones. Have you reached level 50 and unsure of what to do now? If so, our weekly game tip is worth a listen, a big thanks to Josh for sending it in.


Up next is your emails and they are pretty nice overall this week, where did all the haters go? We want your ideas, game tips, and feedback; be sure to let us know what you think and you could win two months of free game time, this is your last week to enter. On next weeks show we will announce a winner.


EPISODE 3 : This week the boys get together to discuss a wide range of subjects over cocktails. Topics include neutral gear, the ability delay, founder titles, the games budget, and the Rise of the Rakghouls flashpoint. Next the boys discuss betrayal quests and if they would work in SWTOR , followed by Datacrons and the best information around to obtain them. Your emails follow and the boys have to respond to someone who thinks their stupid, and another who just wants some damn pants to wear.


EPISODE 2 : Tristin, Angel, and Dustin return for their second episode and get to drinking and talking about the game we all love. On this weeks show the boys discuss server forums, Bioware’s maybe new milestone of 3 million players, Rise of the Rakghouls, and the crafting nerf that is set to hit the servers next week.


Next up the boys tackle companion characters and how they could be improved. Any one wish they could airlock their ship droid? Emails are flooding in the show and they answer them, some nice and some downright hateful. The boys give shot outs to some fellow pod-casters including Pinkside, Sunnys Dinner, Mos Eisley Radio, and Corellian Run, they are all worth a listen. Please take some time to enter our contest for your chance to win 2 months of free game time, listen for details on how to win.


EPISODE 1: Tristin, Angel, and Dustin get together over cocktails to discuss the game. Our first ever episode takes them on a wild trip through the last few weeks of news. After introducing themselves, the boys discuss the launch of the game, the popularity of the game, and the future of the game. You may or may not agree with their opinions. Next up they dissect space combat and discuss groups and how they should work.


What to be a STAR?


We are seeking guests for upcoming shows: All you need is a good mic and free Skype account. Are you a guild leader, a fan site operator, another podcaster, or a Bioware employee? Want to come on our show and talk about it? Just fire off a private message to me and let me know.

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