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Raw copy , but 100% true


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If you want PVP play a shooter. All this high falutin talk of risk reward in a genre where it's not about skill but time put in and gear is hilarious. Gazelles that think they are tough play mmos where they can gear up and beat the better players. True competitors play where the field is level and skill is the determiner. I guess the risk to reward it too low when you lose and can't just gear up to beat them. Oh well.


This encapsulates why I played FPS games. They've moved more towards 0 risk and carrots for time played, of course, but it's still a better experience than MMO "PvP."


This is why PlanetSide was so popular -- it engendered a zero risk proposition for the player, with a high risk proposition for the group. Then SOE mismanaged it into mediocrity.

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Never played WoW, never played an MMO where PVP wasn't determined by time put in rather than skill. Maybe there are a few, still the true competition comes from shooters without perks or what not. I think it's hilarious and part of the problem that you think that reducing damage doesn't affect game play. Seriously read what you said. How about a game where there is no gear differential at all? Seriously back to grazing.

Some people can win based on skill some need gear.


He meant that in UO the only difference between someone naked and someone wearing full plate was a small difference in auto-attack damage. It didnt affect spells or skills.


Armor was nice but thats it. Also, armor was easy to make. You didnt have to grind for weeks to get full BM gear, you could just wear crafted gear and BAM, competitive.

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