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Tips for beating Marauder 1v1?


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Assuming both of us are competent and equipped with 500+ expertise, and all cooldowns up, how exactly do you beat these guys in a straight up 1 on 1 dogfight? I've tried all sorts of different openers and tactics but the fights aren't even close.
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-When he pops his cloak of pain, stun and run for 6 secs until it fade away. If you keep hitting him while it's up, the cloak will keep refreshing itself.

-He will probably pop his saber ward around 50-60%. Kite/cc him when he pops saber ward.

Conserver ur ammo.

-When his hp is low, stun him before he pops undying rage and burst him to death

Edited by Hupepak
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I got the same issue with Marauders but hey, that's what makes the game fun.

When you beat someone as an underdog!


As a Defense - Assaulter I tend to open up with my burst (AP -> IR -> HiB). Usualy that's already when they pop their bubble as well as pain.

So in that time I try stun with my cryo. If they get out, Neural Surge to keep 'em in for at least a few seconds, while always staying LoS'd or at 9m range. If they back up, you follow them. Don't let them leap you again and close the gap.


Once their cooldowns are burned, they usualy tend to be agressive and ignore all other damage and just follow you. Now it's time to keep that gap at 4.1m - 9.9m.

A hard chore but possible.


And as the previous commenter already stated, try to stun them again BEFORE they pop undying rage. Otherwise it's -> Undying Rage + Heal -> Bam, back at 40% HP and it goes to round 2.




I think Marauders are by far the hardest enemy we can face (except for maybe 1-Hit-Wonders like Mercenaries who'll snarelock), as they are not squishy and have great survivability + damage (in my opinion the perfect class)

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To sum it up, burst them down as fast as possible, stun while they've popped their defensive cooldowns, and kite them within their "deadzone". Marauders are generally very easy to kill because with our 100% chance to slow with ion pulse talent, we're the best class suited to kiting them provided we dont let them get snares on us. Dont let them to get too close to hit, and dont move away too far to get leaped.


Another tip is to always use neural surge first. People have a habit of immedietely using their trinket on the first stun, and having them burn it on neural surge and gettin a free cryo is always nice.

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