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possible post 50 class options


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Dont know if this has ben mentioned anywhere but was thinking about some things that could be done for a classs after hiting 50 and finishing your storyline.


The first thing that came to mind was maybe for an upcoming patch or something for new content add in a area for each class that they would frequent after they finished there story. Instead of having dailys that are avaliable to everyone have class specific dailys. For example they might have a set of dailys for the bounty hunter to go get a specific target and have them randomized so its not the same one everyday or maybe randomized on pickup so not everyone is on the same one. They could also go further and incorporate phased areas in the class hangout zones that would reflect on some of the choices that you made, so you could go talk to someone that you saved intead of killing or see the one you started making a relationship with if you had an option like that. This would also give them a ground structure to incorporate additional things with later content updates and make it a work in progress.


The other thing that i thought of was to maybe just have the class specific dailys but just have all of them in a central hub instead of class specific zones.


Would like to hear thoughs on this if you would like them to incorperate somehting like this or maybe some changes.

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