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PVE warzone idea


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PVE warzone idea


I like many others am not a fan of endgame pvp, though I havent arrived on illum (im about 3 levels off of it I think that there should be some other alternative to the current system that is in place, I have an idea and im curious on what others think.


PVE warzones


basically this idea is similar to pvp warzones except with one difference instead of fighting players you would fight an army of npc along side fellow players of your faction or even simply npc of your faction.


How would this work?


Basically each faction would have a warzone that’s on a different planet (either an existing one or a new planet all together) ill be using the republic as an example as it will be easier to explain. So the republic has a mini base on lets say Balmorria, and they are planning to attack a major imperial stronghold, the stronghold consists of 2 small bases and one large command centre.


When a republic player enters the area they have an objective kill say 100 imperial npc`s, after they do this the republic says they empire is withdrawing now the time to strike at their Alpha base, then a 10 minutes wait begins while republic npc`s prepare to attack (this also give time for any new republic players that join in to get ready, after the time is up the attack on the first base begins, if there are no players present or the players leaves before the battle is over then the republic fails to take it and they retreat to their main base (resetting the battlezone) while npc`s engage in the attack only players can complete specific objective like destroy the gun turrets anti air defences then finally the blast door protecting the base, once these are done then they must kill the commander of that base (weather this npc is a trooper and officer or a Sith doesn’t matter) once the commander is dead then the republic secures the base which takes 5 minutes then attacking the next base begins (the cycle basically repeats itself). Then finally the command centre, as this is their main base there are more objectives and the battle is longer, if the dark lord of this base is killed then the republic has won.


The victory lasts 1 hour then the empire attempts to retake the base, if there are republic players in the zone then they must fight each wave of attackers for the republic to keep it, otherwise the base is lost and the republic pulls back, the whole zone would be reset at some point (say every 2 days or so)


How is this different to operations or flashpoints?


Operations or flashpoints require a set number of players and if that group breaks up then they must either find more players or forget the whole thing and start again another day, this would be like pvp warzones players could drop in and out as they please and all battles would be accompanied by champion npc`s (so even only 2 players could achieve the goals if there are few online at the time)


What would be the reward for participating in such a event?


That would be up to Bioware credits tokens for items anything really.


What if I leave the area to come back later?


If you left for say a few minutes (maybe you DC or something) and rejoin then unless the objective is completed while your away by another player in the area then nothing.

But if you leave and relog the next day then the battle may have been reset or won depending on the situation and you would start again.


What if no players participate for say 2 days?


Then the republic would not attack the main base, they only attack if the 100 or so imperials are killed.


Can empire players defend the base and vice verse r?


No this would be strictly a PVE thing imperial players would have their PVE warzone on a different planet or area altogether



What level would the warzone be?


A lvl 50 endgame zone.


How long would the whole battle last?


About an hour maybe 2



How big would the player limit be?


As big as Bioware could make it.

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+1 to your idea dude maybe the best idea i read the last 5 days cause everyone is writting idiotic things but thats an other story... Bioware look at his idea and try to make it work as a testing in your company, it might be one of the best "warzones" in game
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Maybe it will be fun, dunno. I feel like this game has enough pve content as it is. Now mixed pvevp zone could be fun. A good example is a "Zombie apocalypse " map in CO.


Basically a team of players starts on a same side to fight off a waves of zombies. They goal is to survive till the time is up. When someone gets killed, he immediately respawns on a zombie team as a zombie (a skills stays the same but a skin changes to reflect your new status). Now a goal of all players zombies is to kill the rest of a players.


I think something like that would be really fun at all levels. Of cause replace a zombies with an appropriate monsters from SW universe.

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Maybe it will be fun, dunno. I feel like this game has enough pve content as it is. Now mixed pvevp zone could be fun. A good example is a "Zombie apocalypse " map in CO.


Basically a team of players starts on a same side to fight off a waves of zombies. They goal is to survive till the time is up. When someone gets killed, he immediately respawns on a zombie team as a zombie (a skills stays the same but a skin changes to reflect your new status). Now a goal of all players zombies is to kill the rest of a players.


I think something like that would be really fun at all levels. Of cause replace a zombies with an appropriate monsters from SW universe.


true about 90% of the game is pve but the problem is at end game not everyone will want to do pvp and haveing something like this would be a nice change from doing illum or operations all day.


as for the zombies i suppose rackgouls would be the closeist thing to them.

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This is a great idea. However, I feel it should not be a war zone OR flashpoint. We can use this model to promote world PvP and use it in the active world somehow.


The only thing that worries me is that it's just another Zerg feat like tol barad in World of Warcraft; worst idea ever.

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This is almost identical to the Alterac Valley battleground in WoW.


If you want a new warzone, be a bit more innovative and think outside the box. You don't need to copy ideas from other games.


AC was and is the best PVEVP ever done so far. I don't see why a system like that should not be copied.


Back to op, unfortunately I doubt that the engine or our pc and this engine would be capable of huge pvevp fights in open areas. The amount of special effects would just kill you system instantly, me thinks.

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This is almost identical to the Alterac Valley battleground in WoW.


If you want a new warzone, be a bit more innovative and think outside the box. You don't need to copy ideas from other games.


Alterac Valley is a pvp battleground, these would be pve.

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