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How much time did you spent on SW:TOR so far?


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As the title says: how much time did you spent on SW:TOR so far, since release?


My time spent on the game since December 15th: About 22+ days of being logged in and playing. I think I should go get some fresh air. :p


Well, and here is the question for all players out there who played SW:TOR for more significant amount of time. How did you enjoy the endgame? Will you keep playing? As for me, I am currently progressing through storyline of my 2nd character (42 lvl JK). I done some nightmare raids on my main 50 lvl SW for few weeks and got up to valor rank ~60. Unfortunately my guild mates got bored of this game and they stopped playing. :< Meh, I am sure that I will keep playing SW:TOR for a long, long time since I am huge SW:TOR lore freak and I absolutely love the game. JK story is so epic that I am currently speachless after finishing act II. Just can't wait to experience storylines of all other chatcters. Oh, and the KotOR references on the republic side made my day - I wish that quests on Taris were dailies!

Edited by Deviss
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I added up my hours across my characters and it was 171. :( Only 70 of that was on my main and the other 100 was across all my alts. This is my first MMO and how in the world I managed to play for 7 days worth in less than two months is beyond me. I think I need to curb the addiction... this is why I purposefully never let myself play an MMO in the first place. My little math brain is spinning... if I've had access to my account for 51 days and I play for 7 of them.... I've spent 13% of my life since I started playing the game. How?! If that's all I've done and all my characters are under 30... how much are the people with multiple high level characters playing?!?
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