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Global Cooldown - I like it


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You are trolling because people have clearly explained the problems they have with the new UI and yet you still imply that they are all idiots who don't know what they are talking about.


You are trolling because you said that "If you que abilities as melee your fail." when the bug you described does not seem to affect everyone (certainly id doesn't impact my play as a melee juggernaut).


People are explaining thier problems with the new UI, and rather than reading and understanding where they are coming form you are implying that their problems are not existant or that it is their own fault.


Oh ya here's some of your quotes that clearly show you are trolling.


"If you que abilities as melee your fail"


Because if we don't experience the same bug you do and can actually queue abilities we must clearly be fail.


"Get better I say"


Because if we think the UI could more accurately describe abilities that are useable we shouldn't say anything but just keep our mouth shut.


"Again learn your class..."


Right, asking the UI to display better information automatically means we are bad with our class.


"people are overexaggerating the problem"


How is this not a troll comment?


I read your very first sentence and stopped.


I didn't imply they are idiots, see now your trolling.


I didn't say their problems weren't unwarrented.


I simply stated that it is not gamebreaking it is not so bad that you just cant play until its fixed. Thats exagerrated. I am sorry stuff is darkened so you cant tell when cd's are up on skills.... thats not game breaking sorry to say.


The flashing on the screen is causing what people are referring to is called photosensitivity and its a direct result from the flashing, some are sensitive to it...... however sitting there telling everyone theres nothing wrong with them and its the games fault is a bit ignorant dont you think?


Theres various warnings for games regarding this, as some games cause it. And when told this they get mad and say they are perfectly fine, and when told to see a doctor because hello yes you are photosensitive and having issues or you wouldn't be raging on the forums about it regardless of the change that caused it, they just blow up and start flipping out in response lol.


So you tell me how I am exaggerating it? I am saying the game is playable its not game breaking. And its not.


For those having health issues well they should get checked out anyways by a doc before playing more. Or is that considered trolling to doing what instructions tell you to do if you experience those type of symptoms? please.


I said if you cant monitor your resources using the yellow bar right under your health bar is more difficult then looking at the space right below it for the very same info then yes you need to learn your class better. Its not rocket science to look at your bar and be like okay I have 100 force power, im going to double strike for 25 energy if my shadowstrike skill procs I will use shadowstrike next for 25 energy instead of 50 energy then I will force breach..... etc etc... If your to the point where your energy is out you cant use your skills anyways because they wont work or do you need to see it on a button for you to realize you spamming a skill that wont go off because your force bar is empty?


Pretty cut and dry if you ask me lol.


I didn't have a problem with the last UI they had either it worked just fine, then again I dont sit there and stare at it like a lot of you seem to do. But even if I did, I wouldn't call it game breaking. I would call it annoying because thats what it would be annoying.

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The new UI does however make the game unplayayble for those who began experiencing headaches only after the new UI was implemented.


In which case they should see a doctor regardless of if the UI change caused it or not.


It is a condition however probably not serious if all your getting is a headache but for those that got headaches along with, twitching, sickness and all that..... perhaps its time to go in and see how serious your condition is.


I get minor headaches every now and then but thats from being at a computer all day long for work and after work.

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I read your very first sentence and stopped.


I didn't imply they are idiots, see now your trolling.


I didn't say their problems weren't unwarrented.


I simply stated that it is not gamebreaking it is not so bad that you just cant play until its fixed. Thats exagerrated. I am sorry stuff is darkened so you cant tell when cd's are up on skills.... thats not game breaking sorry to say.


The flashing on the screen is causing what people are referring to is called photosensitivity and its a direct result from the flashing, some are sensitive to it...... however sitting there telling everyone theres nothing wrong with them and its the games fault is a bit ignorant dont you think?


Theres various warnings for games regarding this, as some games cause it. And when told this they get mad and say they are perfectly fine, and when told to see a doctor because hello yes you are photosensitive and having issues or you wouldn't be raging on the forums about it regardless of the change that caused it, they just blow up and start flipping out in response lol.


So you tell me how I am exaggerating it? I am saying the game is playable its not game breaking. And its not.


For those having health issues well they should get checked out anyways by a doc before playing more. Or is that considered trolling to doing what instructions tell you to do if you experience those type of symptoms? please.


I said if you cant monitor your resources using the yellow bar right under your health bar is more difficult then looking at the space right below it for the very same info then yes you need to learn your class better. Its not rocket science to look at your bar and be like okay I have 100 force power, im going to double strike for 25 energy if my shadowstrike skill procs I will use shadowstrike next for 25 energy instead of 50 energy then I will force breach..... etc etc... If your to the point where your energy is out you cant use your skills anyways because they wont work or do you need to see it on a button for you to realize you spamming a skill that wont go off because your force bar is empty?


Pretty cut and dry if you ask me lol.


I didn't have a problem with the last UI they had either it worked just fine, then again I dont sit there and stare at it like a lot of you seem to do. But even if I did, I wouldn't call it game breaking. I would call it annoying because thats what it would be annoying.


Okay first off nobody is saying that difficulty interpreting the UI is gamebreaking. The people who are saying it is gamebreaking are those that are now getting headaches.


Second even your last post is full of loaded language which shows you are trolling.


"I read your very first sentence and stopped"


"Its a bit ignorant dont you think"


Right, anybody with a differing view point from yourself is ignorant who believes that if a new UI affect causes them to have headaches it should be removed or made optional.


"Its not rocket science"


The implication here is that it's not complicated so that if people don't understand your point of view they must be idiots.


"Pretty cut and dry"


Again anybody who doesn't understand your point of view must be idiots.


"I dont sit there and stare at it like a lot of you seem to do"


Anybody who has a concern must just sit there and stare at action bars.


Do you even read what you type?

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Okay first off nobody is saying that difficulty interpreting the UI is gamebreaking. The people who are saying it is gamebreaking are those that are now getting headaches.


Second even your last post is full of loaded language which shows you are trolling.


"I read your very first sentence and stopped"


"Its a bit ignorant dont you think"


Right, anybody with a differing view point from yourself is ignorant who believes that if a new UI affect causes them to have headaches it should be removed or made optional.


"Its not rocket science"


The implication here is that it's not complicated so that if people don't understand your point of view they must be idiots.


"Pretty cut and dry"


Again anybody who doesn't understand your point of view must be idiots.


"I dont sit there and stare at it like a lot of you seem to do"


Anybody who has a concern must just sit there and stare at action bars.


Do you even read what you type?


Again, if you want to say that you personally liek the new GCD effect. Then say so!


If you are concerned and think people should go see a doctor, you can say that also!


It's all the other garbage that you throw in that makes you a troll.


Also accidentally quoted myself instead of editing my first post.

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In which case they should see a doctor regardless of if the UI change caused it or not.


It is a condition however probably not serious if all your getting is a headache but for those that got headaches along with, twitching, sickness and all that..... perhaps its time to go in and see how serious your condition is.


I get minor headaches every now and then but thats from being at a computer all day long for work and after work.


Twitching, if it is not around the eye, maybe. Headaches and nausea, no. Both are very common symptoms of both eyestrain, and of motion sickness, which certain light patterns can bring on in people susceptible to it. I am, which is why I don't go on boats and never read books while in a car.


Going to the doctor because you get eye strain from flashing lights is as ridiculous as going to a doctor because you sneezed in a room full of dust. Must not be the dust, right? Must be some underlying medical condition completely unrelated!

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I don't go on boats and never read books while in a car.


Interesting because I too get seasick while houseboating and can't read books in a car (I can read signs while driving just fine).


And this is the first time a computer/video game has ever given me a headache after only an hour. I have got headaches after 8+ hour straight sessions of other games though just never after only an hour.

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Twitching, if it is not around the eye, maybe. Headaches and nausea, no. Both are very common symptoms of both eyestrain, and of motion sickness, which certain light patterns can bring on in people susceptible to it. I am, which is why I don't go on boats and never read books while in a car.


Going to the doctor because you get eye strain from flashing lights is as ridiculous as going to a doctor because you sneezed in a room full of dust. Must not be the dust, right? Must be some underlying medical condition completely unrelated!


But its not its a documented condition with serious effects if its indeed a serious issue.


Your analogy doesn't really apply. Its like if my arm were to go numb off and on but I just say meh whatever its nothing, then a month later im in the hospital for a heart attack which probably would have been avoided had I gone to the doctor at the first sign of the symptoms.


Its a directly related issue. When people are on the forums saying after only 15 minutes of playing they have a serious headache, twitching in the eye/hand, and feel like they are going to throw up and it only gets worse as they play and it only started after the flashing was added then its safe to say that they have a photosensitivity condition that was brought on by the UI changes. In which they should probably go get checked out because it can lead to more serious problems.


Spare me the bs analogy's of sneezing compared to early signs of a far more serious condition.

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Interesting because I too get seasick while houseboating and can't read books in a car (I can read signs while driving just fine).


And this is the first time a computer/video game has ever given me a headache after only an hour. I do get headaches after 8+ hour straight sessions of other games though.


Same thing with me. No video game has ever given me a headache before. SWTOR did not before Tuesday. Now I can't play for long before getting a headache -- that came only after the new Christmas Tree/Rave Club UI change.

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Im a casual player than normaly not doing that much end game content, I play and enjoy the game and all classes, both republic and empire.


I dont have a ubermouse there i can asign all spells/abilitys. And i have just a few basic spells/abilitys on hotkeys, so I use the hotbar quite alot, both to see what CD that are done and to activate spells/abilitys. After last patch now everything scans(or what to say) with every spell/ability I use, so its quite hard to see whats done or not. And i got a flash from the bar when my cd are done, and its really bad for my game play.

I have gone down from 4 h/day to 30 min game play since its not really fun to play when things that did work was change to something that hardly is playable.


I just really wonder why they not concentrate on fixing buggs instead of mixing with things that work?? or shall i say did work....

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I have gone down from 4 h/day to 30 min game play since its not really fun to play when things that did work was change to something that hardly is playable.



Exactly what I am talking about for the guy saying I was trolling earlier.


An exaggeration.


The simple fact that his UI bar flashes now means the game is hardly playable and he cut his game time down to 30 minutes a day..... due to said flashing.


That right there is the exaggerated posting I was talking about.

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I get minor headaches every now and then but thats from being at a computer all day long for work and after work.


So I'm assuming that you went to a doctor about your headaches also? What did he say?

Did you have a far more serious condition?


Ah, my mistake, based on your other posts you must clearly be a doctor yourself and thus there's no need for you to see one, just everybody else.

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When people are on the forums saying after only 15 minutes of playing they have a serious headache, twitching in the eye/hand, and feel like they are going to throw up and it only gets worse as they play and it only started after the flashing was added then its safe to say that they have a photosensitivity condition that was brought on by the UI changes. In which they should probably go get checked out because it can lead to more serious problems.


I followed you up until the underlined part, but the underlined part is total crap. The symptoms you listed are all very common symptoms of eye strain or motion sickness, which are in turn almost never a symptom of some major underlying illness. Stop trying to imply people have some kind of underlying medical condition and that it is our fault if the rave style lights SWTOR introduced give us headaches.

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So I'm assuming that you went to a doctor about your headaches also? What did he say?

Did you have a far more serious condition?


Ah, my mistake, based on your other posts you must clearly be a doctor yourself.


Headaches from staring at a screen all day is common and known no need to see a doctor of some eye strain.


But twitching, sickness, and headaches forming after a very short exposure is a condition and it is a warning and you are told to stop playing and see a doctor before playing again.... or do you just not keep up on documented cases of photosensivity and want to play the troll card all day here in the forums. Because thats all your doing lol.

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Headaches from staring at a screen all day is common and known no need to see a doctor of some eye strain.


Sorry, I have the same expertise as you and I can safely say that this is a sign of a very serious underlying medical condition. It's irresponsible for you not to get that checked immediately.

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I followed you up until the underlined part, but the underlined part is total crap. The symptoms you listed are all very common symptoms of eye strain or motion sickness, which are in turn almost never a symptom of some major underlying illness. Stop trying to imply people have some kind of underlying medical condition and that it is our fault if the rave style lights SWTOR introduced give us headaches.


Did you not read posts about people being dizzy, feeling like they are going to throw up and stuff like that? I am not implying headaches are the cause for concern here I am talking about the other bits.... your just focusing on headaches lol.


Or is this warning thats pretty much every where for games something thats completely incorrect because you apparently seem to know its a fake warning.


A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.


These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.


Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms - children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.


The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:


Play in a well-lit room

Do not play if you are drowsy or fatigued


If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.

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Exactly what I am talking about for the guy saying I was trolling earlier.


An exaggeration.


The simple fact that his UI bar flashes now means the game is hardly playable and he cut his game time down to 30 minutes a day..... due to said flashing.


That right there is the exaggerated posting I was talking about.


Two things:


1. The guy said the flashing makes the game for him "hardly playable" i don't see "unplayable" anywhere. But this is minor and not strong enough to justify me arguing.


The big thing is:


2. You used a post after the fact to justify a post you made earlier? Are you serious?!

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Did you not read posts about people being dizzy, feeling like they are going to throw up and stuff like that? I am not implying headaches are the cause for concern here I am talking about the other bits.... your just focusing on headaches lol.


Then if you are only referring to these people maybe you should specify that instead of making generalized posts at the start.

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Headaches from staring at a screen all day is common and known no need to see a doctor of some eye strain..


Okay, so when you get a headaches its quite common, but when other people do all of a sudden its a "serious medical condition".


Stop trying to play doctor.

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But now, you're trying to refine your statements and say that only people with major headaches, nausia, dizzyiness and vomiting should go see doctors.


Even then, if that person bothered, they could do a 30 second Google search and find that those are symptoms of very common things like eye strain and motion sickness (which can be caused by certain patterns of flashing lights), neither of which are signs of serious medical conditions at all.

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Did you not read posts about people being dizzy, feeling like they are going to throw up and stuff like that? I am not implying headaches are the cause for concern here I am talking about the other bits.... your just focusing on headaches lol.


Or is this warning thats pretty much every where for games something thats completely incorrect because you apparently seem to know its a fake warning.


A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.


These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.


Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms - children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.


The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:


Play in a well-lit room

Do not play if you are drowsy or fatigued


If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.



Let me make one thing very clear to all.After about 400 hundred pages on 5 threads plus the questionnaire they made , most ppl don´t like the new UI.

Yes I feel motion sickness when I play now. Do i need to see doctor , no way !!!!

I´ve never had such problems before but that´s not a problem.

In my opinion only my opinion I repeat , problem is that bw totally ignore these problems , givong no feedback to their customers whatsoever. Make them wait half of the pay period for fix altought this week servers are coming down for patch 3rd time and they don´t even bother to fix the flashing.

I do seriously understand lots of ppl have no issue with new UI but that is not giving any right to BW to treat other customers as trahs and don´t care about situation they actually are to blame ( I mean bw) since no testng I assume was done . because such a number of huge bugs is impossible to get with right testing.

And much more only numbers what they have is that 53% of player base think that new UI is horrible and because of that change is coming in two weeks ?Seriously thats is like to say hey guys we know you got the issue but we don´t give a damn !! that´s the worst thing about it.

It´s no longere who has the health issue ( altought it´s pretty important also ) now it´s more about if u have some problems with the game that makes the game unplayble we give no damn , forum feedback ? take a hike players

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Anyway I think people like Barracudastr who troll other people, and people like me who have been trying to troll Bioware (but in other threads mostly for their incompetence) have derailed this post enough.


Keep posting people. But try to understand other people's opinions.


If you like the new GCD then say so. But just because you like it doesn't mean that anybody who criticizes an aspect of it is wrong. Try to see their point of view. And for God sakes don't say "I don't understand what people are complaining about" without first taking the time to actually read what people are complaining about.

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Anyway I think people like Barracudastr who troll other people, and people like me who have been trying to troll Bioware (but in other threads mostly for their incompetence) have derailed this post enough.


Keep posting people. But try to understand other people's opinions.


If you like the new GCD then say so. But just because you like it doesn't mean that anybody who criticizes an aspect of it is wrong. Try to see their point of view. And for God sakes don't say "I don't understand what people are complaining about" without first taking the time to actually read what people are complaining about.


Why keep posting and posting? I thought they already said there was going to be an option to change it to the way you want the CD in the future? Seems like they are already planning a fix but people keep complaining about it.


Personally my UI does not flash. I don't know why. Maybe it's my graphics settings. I like the change as it didn't change that much to me but I can tell better now what is available to press. It sucks that it is affecting so many people but hopefully the option to change it will help everyone else out.

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