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PVE Gear...Need advice...


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Is there any advice anyone can give me on how to play mara in PVE?


My spec is annihilation 31/10/0

I have Orange gear with 50 mods (mostly might mods.)


might armoring

might mod

varying enahancements some acute


Basically, I cannot provide enough dps to help take boss's down before they enrage. I have gotten kicked out of groups because of this and it's a waste of time and credits just trying to build PVE gear.


Thanks in advance for help.


EDIT: Don't care to get flamed or trolled from what I previously wrote just need help. Thanks.

Edited by Darkraid
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Forums yeah...thats why I've posted. Do you have a specific thread in the forums other than the link for the forums itself?


You can always start with the sticky post..the one that says "in Depth marauder guide".

Edited by Sireene
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