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Assassin vs. Assassin Duels. Zybak vs. Jerk (Deception Spec)


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I didn't get through the entire video, but here's some constructive criticism on what I did see.


Gear: He has really bad Accuracy and replaced too much of it with Surge mods.

He's equipping 2 on-use relics. That's bad.


First Duel: Neither of you two used Blackout->Sap->Spike even though it's clearly better than stealthing for no reason to get the first Voltaic. Plus, you never used Blackout the entire fight (although you never needed it in the fight save for the beginning opener).

You never used Low Slash.

He didn't use Force Shroud.

Neither of you two used Maul even when the proc was up and you two had clear opportunities for it.

He took way too long to use Whirlwind after his Low Slash at the end. There's no reason for him to Low Slash, strafe left+right for a second, run back, and finally start casting Whirlwind.


Second Duel: He vanishes and then Lacerates you. What..?

He throws up Force Shroud way too earlier, when you didn't even have the 2 stacks for Shock nor 3-5 stacks for Discharge. Knowing when to use Force Shroud is absolutely vital.




Judging from that gameplay, he is not the best Assassin on your server, nor would I call him a good one to be honest. You seem better than him and react well to abilities, but there are quite a few more tactics you should incorporate as well He's only better than you at properly using Low Slash. But given that he can't doesn't know how to use Force Shroud at all, which would save him from ~5-8k HP, I would expect him to lose every duel.


To be honest, when someone Force Shrouds, you can simply Low Slash him, run 15m away while waiting for the buff to disappear, and then blow him up with Shock+Discharge. If he throws up Deflection at the same time or your Low Slash is deflected, just Vanish, CC and instead of Seethe-ing, Spike-> Shock+Discharge. The burst you get from that alone will be much much more than the health you heal from Seethe. The game-changers are getting off your Shock+Discharge and/or preventing theirs. That's really all there is to burst duels: getting your burst down or negating theirs.


In terms of any Assassin vs Assassin duel, Madness would probably be the best spec.




That is incorrect. I've always had it activate properly for me and it does much more damage than Voltaic for the same cost. And given the duration of out-of-stealth battles, you wouldn't have time to get 2 Shocks in. That is, two Voltaics + 1 Shock + 1 Discharge + 1-2 Mauls are all you get in the first part of the fight.



You guys should ask the above poster to make a Youtube channel so you can subscribe and get tips and tricks for your class.


Ps. Two on-use PVP relics. Incredible itemizing, he really hit up those warzones.

Edited by IAmDevastate
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I didn't get through the entire video, but here's some constructive criticism on what I did see.


Gear: He has really bad Accuracy and replaced too much of it with Surge mods.

He's equipping 2 on-use relics. That's bad.


First Duel: Neither of you two used Blackout->Sap->Spike even though it's clearly better than stealthing for no reason to get the first Voltaic. Plus, you never used Blackout the entire fight (although you never needed it in the fight save for the beginning opener).

You never used Low Slash.

He didn't use Force Shroud.

Neither of you two used Maul even when the proc was up and you two had clear opportunities for it.

He took way too long to use Whirlwind after his Low Slash at the end. There's no reason for him to Low Slash, strafe left+right for a second, run back, and finally start casting Whirlwind.


Second Duel: He vanishes and then Lacerates you. What..?

He throws up Force Shroud way too earlier, when you didn't even have the 2 stacks for Shock nor 3-5 stacks for Discharge. Knowing when to use Force Shroud is absolutely vital.




Judging from that gameplay, he is not the best Assassin on your server, nor would I call him a good one to be honest. You seem better than him and react well to abilities, but there are quite a few more tactics you should incorporate as well He's only better than you at properly using Low Slash. But given that he can't doesn't know how to use Force Shroud at all, which would save him from ~5-8k HP, I would expect him to lose every duel.


To be honest, when someone Force Shrouds, you can simply Low Slash him, run 15m away while waiting for the buff to disappear, and then blow him up with Shock+Discharge. If he throws up Deflection at the same time or your Low Slash is deflected, just Vanish, CC and instead of Seethe-ing, Spike-> Shock+Discharge. The burst you get from that alone will be much much more than the health you heal from Seethe. The game-changers are getting off your Shock+Discharge and/or preventing theirs. That's really all there is to burst duels: getting your burst down or negating theirs.


In terms of any Assassin vs Assassin duel, Madness would probably be the best spec.




That is incorrect. I've always had it activate properly for me and it does much more damage than Voltaic for the same cost. And given the duration of out-of-stealth battles, you wouldn't have time to get 2 Shocks in. That is, two Voltaics + 1 Shock + 1 Discharge + 1-2 Mauls are all you get in the first part of the fight.


I find these kinds of posts funny. Sure there are things that could have been done better as there will always be and more so in a game like this with such a POS UI where it is very difficult to see what you have active at any given time.


To be as aware as you state, the guy would have to be staring at his buff bar and at that point he is not moving and positioning with any degree of competence which will make him lose the fight.


Why don't you post some of your fights where you get all of that exactly right and when you miss the "best" way of doing something someone else without videos or any credentials can not only point it out to you but then say " he is not the best Assassin on your server, nor would I call him a good one to be honest"


I"ll be waiting for the video :D

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