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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware - The lack of money sinks is going to ruin the economy.


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Well it does when you realise how many millions that would cost, and of course then we go back to how many 'not' millionaires there are in the game....


what would cost millions?

there have been other mmogs in the past that had radical ways of coping in some cases. for instance, a complete reset of economy. yes, that will irritate people, but if the alternative model is better, people will get over it.


right now, the economy is leaking creds and the servers are leaking people...

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"This is the last straw! I'm going scavenging!" that and underworld trading net me decent credits whenever I need the money or just get excess mats from trying to get an orange armormech schematic (the drop rates are unfortunately very, very low).


until those are nerfed as well. regulating like this only makes "that one skill" to be the one to have. however, all crew skills should make money- that is what a trade is for. which baker would make bread if he would only lose money?


right now, looting and selling is the only faucet.

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Here is a good start...



Every guild must pay monthly dues in credits, the amount depends on the number of characters in the guild.

Guilds can purchase capital ships to serve as a common area, which can be upgraded but requires monthly funding for upkeep.



To pay for this a guild collect a variable rate of tax on every vendor/auction transaction by each member of that guild to be deposited in the guild bank.


Characters not in a guild are still taxed at a fixed rate with the justification of the credits going to support the Imperial/Republic fleet.

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what would cost millions?

there have been other mmogs in the past that had radical ways of coping in some cases. for instance, a complete reset of economy. yes, that will irritate people, but if the alternative model is better, people will get over it.


right now, the economy is leaking creds and the servers are leaking people...


Well as what was replied to that i followed was how someones response of "odd I could afford it all" not being relevant and that was in response to an i couldnt afford anything then its kinda obvious what I am talking about, you just follow the thread of that line back, its was the quotes are for.


as for a whole thing, the entire legacy system is a money sink

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Well, from a non-level 50 player, its next to impossible to make credits, i can't gather materials to make credits, because crafters aren't doing their job and actually crafting for the community, so they don't buy any resources for anything higher then 500-1000cr per stack of 99 for all grades, so thats not viable for profit.


The only skill that was, was slicing pre-over the top nerf, because crafters were QQ'ing about not making as much credits, it made me laugh......ofcourse you wouldn't, you weren't doing your freaking job as crafter.


The severe lack of gear possibilities is what hurts the game in the long run, since the rewards you get are crap and the commendation gear is rubbish, i had to stomach crafting myself to just have greens to quest in, which i discovered, the greens are better then the commendation blues of the same level.


Maybe its a mistake on biowares' part, but who knows, overall, there enough money sinks in this game, there just aren't enough profit making chances in the game...until endgame.....the process from 1-50 is the money sink.


I'm level 43 right now. Slicing, scavenging, and cyber-tech all maxed. Primary source of income is from selling crafting missions from my slicing. Secondary is selling mats from scavenging and ship parts from cybertech if the blue mats are cheap enough on the GTN. If I were to roll and alt to do underworld trading for me instead of relying on overpriced mats on the GTN I would be swimming in the creds.


The biggest problem I see is not enough crafters are putting up mats below grade 6 for a reasonable amount--in fact generally less than the grade 6 mats. This means any items crafted for leveling characters becomes prohibitively expensive. Crafting a purple level 30ish mod for instance generally costs 30-50k in under mats alone. And then the cost of R/E to get the schematic in the first place.


As for your problem with leveling: orange gear. Don't bother wasting your comms on anything except the best mods for your oranges. Of course what really helps is having artifice, armstech, or cybertech to craft the mods yourself so you aren't stuck in a position of having to grind out comms every two levels. I've done exactly that and kept myself in solid blues the entire time.


Another good source of credits is just watching the GTN. There are times people will put up severely undervalued items that can be flipped for a nice profit. Mods are a great example of this. Every once and a while a purple will pop up for 2-3k that I'll keep or re-sell at 15-20k. Same goes for full stacks of mats that can be broken up into smaller stacks and sold at a profit.

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