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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Complainers = .05% of SWTOR


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So what happened to:




Context and nuance. I was referring to the fact that there is no regulation (which the post I was replying to was asking for) requiring subscription numbers to be posted. Meaning, no rule that says "filer shall make publicly available subscription numbers".


There is a rule that prohibits material omissions and misstatements (10b-5), which, to avoid litigation risk (fights over interpretation of 10b-5) and enforcement actions (which may result in having to amend your press release and re issue a press release), would be avoidable.


It's the difference between being required to do so, and doing so as a preventative measure (nuance between "no material misstatement" which is making of lie, and "no material omission" which means, leaving something out).

Edited by iheartnyc
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There were 1.7 million active subscribers as of 1 week ago. Said number was growing as of February 1.


When people experience a problem in-game, they will either file a bug report, quit the game, or come to forums.


To be conservative in my math, I will assume there are 1,000 unique complainers a day on the forums posting about a "breaking bug."


1,000 / 1,700,000 = .05% of the SWTOR population


Using my VERY generous assumptions, only .05% of the SWTOR population hate the game enough to post about it. The other 99.95% are either enjoying the game, or have moved on silently without saying a word.


The .05% are also the most raucous and voisterous, making wild generalized claims about how the game is a failure. They purport to represent the other 99.95% of the population.


Thank you.


Heaven forbid that a consumer complains about a product they are paying for. i suppose when you find hair in your food at a restaurant you just eat around it huh?

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There were 1.7 million active subscribers as of 1 week ago. Said number was growing as of February 1.


When people experience a problem in-game, they will either file a bug report, quit the game, or come to forums.


To be conservative in my math, I will assume there are 1,000 unique complainers a day on the forums posting about a "breaking bug."


1,000 / 1,700,000 = .05% of the SWTOR population


Using my VERY generous assumptions, only .05% of the SWTOR population hate the game enough to post about it. The other 99.95% are either enjoying the game, or have moved on silently without saying a word.


The .05% are also the most raucous and voisterous, making wild generalized claims about how the game is a failure. They purport to represent the other 99.95% of the population.


Thank you.


In the same vein, generously speaking, there are MAYBE 500 unique lovers of swtor posting everyday. *****iiiii...that's less then 0.025% of the SWTOR population that loves this game.


Yea...that's not how statistics work, man. If you take a number from a smaller sample, you can't then all the sudden compare that to the bigger whole.

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Hello everyone!


We’ve had to remove posts in this thread for violating the Rules of Conduct, specifically regarding insulting and being disrespectful to other community members.


As a gentle reminder to everyone, please remember the following:


  • Insults – Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling – Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
  • Agree to Disagree – Be respectful of others’ viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
  • Flag, Don’t Fight – Utilize the Flag Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.
  • Ignoring – If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


If rude and insulting behavior continues, we will be closing this thread.

Edited by Zoggel
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they say 65% of all statistical percentages are made up on the spot


I thought it was 85%.


I thought it was 110%? :)


Honestly I pay no attention to numbers that cant be backed up by OFFICIAL SOURCES (not fan sites)


Some numbers like the 70% sub drop in first month after activation in SWG is known and use to have active links to it (back in the day). So you learn to accept those. As was the jump to 80% cancellation by 3rd month in SWG.


Others like EQ maxing out at the 2 million active sub count were wide spread at the time for being such a acheivement back then, so you know thats legit as well.


And some you know are legit because they not trying to be outragous.


I read back in the day by a number of sources DAoC Maxed out on 2 different occations at the 800,000 active sub mark (once before SWG launched and once again couple months after SWG Launched and players returned to DAoC). I take those as legit as its a beleiveable number for its time and not trying to claim some outragously high or low figure.


But for the most part, unless there is valid prove of a statement, I tend not to beleive them myself.


Its like the 1.7 million number Bioware released. I dont disbeleive them outright but ill be paying very close attention to the NEXT financial report of EA quarterly to see a more accurate definition of that number. I suspect we havent been given the full truth in a non spun for maximum positive spin as of yet.


Not to call Bioware liars, just fudging the numbers and how they relate to the trend. Which is common practice for all companies (if possible)


But yeah, otherwise I just read numbers as being made up for most part.


Its like now we see new "claims" (with nothing legit to back them up) that SWG was doing amazing prior to the NGE.

Well even if I hadnt seen the leaked financials telling the real tale of those numbers back then.

I was playing SWG at time and remember the endless abandoned houses and spending 8 hours online day after day and seeing less then 20 people a day, every day, on multiple planets. I didnt really need the numbers to know the truth of matter, no matter what positive spin was being put on back then (and now currently) by the vocal minority that loved the game.


One number I do know thats true though is that the forums usually make up for less then 2% of the player base. So I dont really think the forums are a real reflection good or bad or indifferent of any game as the vast vast vast majority of players will never post their love or hate or indifference of a product.


If they love it they will play

If they dont they will leave

and no one on the forums will ever hear about it from them.

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It's just unfortunate that such a small percentage of the community can manage to flood the forums with their hatred for the game. And they're lazy in how they complain, ignoring the suggestion box, or other similar threads, or the dev tracker which is here:




I actually want to...remember posters names, etc. etc. like a community.

Edited by iheartnyc
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You should more clearly define the difference between pointless complainers trying to vent, and people raising legitimate concerns that can and should be addressed. For every "SWTOR will fail thread" I see another thread outlining some form of inbalance, coding error, or similar design flaw.


I personally am vocal on the forums in favor of greater depth in future content as far as the light and dark side options go, by including second and third order consequences. Some of this was demonstrated in the latest flashpoint, Kaon Under Siege. Unfortunately, many of the other choices fail to line up as light or dark side. In many cases the "light" option is really the more pragmatic, manipulative, subtle choice. They need to rehash a large amount of their conversations, otherwise it really doesn't line up effectively in a game focused on the story and character development.

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You should more clearly define the difference between pointless complainers trying to vent, and people raising legitimate concerns that can and should be addressed. For every "SWTOR will fail thread" I see another thread outlining some form of inbalance, coding error, or similar design flaw.


I personally am vocal on the forums in favor of greater depth in future content as far as the light and dark side options go, by including second and third order consequences. Some of this was demonstrated in the latest flashpoint, Kaon Under Siege. Unfortunately, many of the other choices fail to line up as light or dark side. In many cases the "light" option is really the more pragmatic, manipulative, subtle choice. They need to rehash a large amount of their conversations, otherwise it really doesn't line up effectively in a game focused on the story and character development.


I have a problem with both. You see, I actually LIKE to read suggestions about SWTOR because I really like the game and ideas people pose give me things to fantasize about during work (maybe I'm a fanboi). Only problem is, when they're all spread out, and multiple threads on the same suggestion are posted each day (like, the daily "customizable UI plz" thread), it really clutters the forums. I actually enjoy the suggestion box forum. Good place, and the devs certainly are aware of it (looking at their responses in the Dev Tracker thread).


Anyway, I have this nagging feeling that a lot of these posters spamming hate posts are here to destroy the community and ruin the game and kill it for one reason or another. Seriously, that's what I believe. I'm just trying to remind people that they are the very small minority.

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